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Jane ran into the hospital looking for the dreamies after she received phone call from Jaemin,she also send her daughter to Kun's mom house before she drove to the hospital.

She asked the counter about Jeno's whereabouts then looked for it.

She ran to the operation room then she saw the dreamies were waiting infront of the room.

They saw Jane then they waved to Jane to tell her that they were here.

Jane quickly ran to them then asked them especially Jaemin,

"where is he?!what happen to him?!".

Mark tried to comfort Jane by asking Jane to calm down.

Haechan and Chenle asked Jane to sit at the chairs near there to wait for Jeno.

Jaemin sat beside Jane,

"Jeno was hit by a car.Luckily we realized it so we quickly called the ambulance and brought him here.The driver that hit him was drunk but the police already caught him",Jaemin explained.

Jaemin's explanation made Jane cried while moved her head down covered with her hands.

She felt very hurt from what she heard.

After several minutes,the doctor came out then walked to them.

The doctor's face portrayed guilt and sadness.

He explained it to Mark and Haechan then both of them looked at Jane with their sorrowful face before they looked down to the floor.

Jane's mind went blank then she fell to the floor,Jaemin quickly held Jane before Jane cried endlessly on his chest.

She cant accept that her one and only brother had left her.

She kept on slapped her face ensuring herself that it was a dream before Jaemin held her hand to stop her from slapping her face.

All of the dreamies were in silent,they was dumbstruck with what's happening to them at that time.

Jaemin kept on tried to coax Jane until he didnt realized that tears were flowing from his eyes as he also cant accept the fact that his best friend already gone.

"Jeno,you just fall asleep right?",he tried to deny Jeno's death with mumbled nonsense words.

"Jeno!you cant leave me!",Jane yelled out loud from her heart before she felt tired then she fainted on Jaemin.


After Jeno's funeral,Jaemin sat on a bench near the place then looked at the view he realized that Jane sat beside him.

Both of them sat quietly looked infront doesnt engage any eye contact.

"thank you for being Jeno's friend",Jane said to Jaemin to break the silence.

Jaemin gulped tried to hold his tears especially when he listened to someone mentioning Jeno's name.

He felt regret especially for what he did to Jeno.

He didnt replied anything to what Jane said to him.

Jane continue talking to him,

"do you want to know why i didnt contact you when you studied abroad?",Jane asked but she didnt waited for Jaemin's reply cause she knew that Jaemin will not gonna respond to anything.

"to be honest,i like you.."Jane confessed.

Jaemin looked at her,felt curious with her sudden confession.

Jane looked back at Jaemin,both of them were looked at each other before Jane continue,

" but someone already love you earlier than i was and he deserved you more than i do",Jane explained.

Jaemin felt confused and still cant makes sense what she tried to say,Jane smiled then took out a journal from her handbag.

She stood then greeted farewell to Jaemin before she walked to Kun and Hani who were waiting for her.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now