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Jaemin walked alone at the park then bumped on Jeno.

He ignored Jeno then Jeno pulled him back tried to talk with him.

"What do you want?", Jaemin asked while unplugged his earphone.

"Why are you acting like that?You're not the Jaemin that I used to know",Jeno asked.

Jaemin tried to not answer the question by looking at other places instead of Jeno.

To his astonishment,Jeno pulled Jaemin's collars until their face were near to each other.

"You're very lucky that im not gonna beat you up.But if the ball hit my sister,then you're gonna be a dead meat",Jeno tried to warn him.

Jaemin released himself from Jeno's grip then looked at Jeno.Jeno felt mad at Jaemin for not answering his question so he decided to walk away before Jaemin's confession stopped him.

"I like Jane noona!"

Jeno tried to ignore but then Jaemin confessed it louder than before.Jeno ran back to Jaemin then punched him at his face make Jaemin's position became unstable and he fell to the ground.

Jeno felt mad,confused,hurt but he dont even know why he did that to Jaemin.He turned back until his back facing Jaemin before Jaemin kept on talking to him,

"I dont mind if you're gonna punch me or kill me or so on but i really love her and i will never gonna hurt her!",Jaemin yelled at Jeno.

Jeno heard Jaemin but he ignored him then walked away from there leave Jaemin alone.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now