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Since that day,Jeno and Jaemin kept on chatting everyday.Jeno was at the living room playing with his phone till he didnt realized Jane sat beside him after served his drink at the table.

"Aigoo~you cant stop smiling.Do you really miss him that much",Jane grinned while pinched Jeno's cheek teased him.Jeno smiled back at Jane while Jane laid her head on Jeno's lap.

"Do you miss him too?",Jeno asked while looked at Jane.Jane gulped then looked up at the ceiling tried to avoid eye contact with her brother.She then looked directly at Jeno's eyes before she raised her hands to cup Jeno's face.

"I really glad to see you smile.Im happy when you happy and i will always want you to be happy",Jane said to her brother.She then sat and hugged Jeno,"i also want you to be happy",Jeno said to his sister.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now