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The boys walked together after school.They planned to go to the arcade and stay there until night.

"Jeno,are you gonna join us?or you gonna..",

"Sure",Jeno interrupted.

All of them felt weird and curious cause they know Jeno used to go to his sister's workplace after school.

"Im not going cause i have work to do.Bye guys!",Jaemin excused himself then waved them goodbye.

"Thats so fast~",Haechan said while waved Jaemin goodbye.


"Jane,can you help me arrange those books?I already put those boxes at the shelves",Jane nodded then walked to the bookshelves and start arranging the books.

As she was arranging,she was shocked when she saw a pair of eyes was staring at her facing her.

She threw the book to Jaemin,Jaemin felt to the floor because of shockness and held his face felt the pain from the book that hit him.

Jane knelt then quickly held Jaemin's face checking whether which part he felt hurt while asking for an apology.

She stood to look for medicine before Jaemin held and gripped her hand,Jane looked at her confused.

"Im fine,just one thing".Jane walked closer to him waiting for him to complete his sentence.

"You have to treat me dinner if you want me to accept your apology",he offered.

Jane looked at him in astonishment and annoyed.

She released her hand from his grip then shooked her head replying in denial.

As she wanted to walk from there,Jaemin replied,"If thats the case,then im gonna report your act to your manager.You might as well lose your job",he smirked.

Jane held her anger curling her palm into a fist.She was very annoyed but she have no choice so she turned around facing him and agree with it.

Jaemin stood then smiled at her."I will wait for you at outside",he winked at Jane then walked outside the shop.Jane looked at him with hate and annoy engulfed her.


"Can you just choose what you want to eat right now.Stop staring at me",Jane complainted to Jaemin while knocking the table.

She felt  uncomfortable as he was staring at her without choosing the food he want to eat.

Jane covered her red ravaged with shyness face with the menu that she held.

When they're eating,both of them does not talk to each other as they both were too into food.

Jane looked at Jaemin and asked him,

"why you always being an annoying person?".

Jaemin looked at her and smiled, "because thats the way i can get your attention~"he winked then put a shrimp at Jane's bowl.

Jane looked down then continue eating trying to ignore him eventhough she know her was blushing at that time.

After dinner,Jaemin wanted to walk with her until she reached to her home but Jane refused and insisted that she wanted to go by herself.

Jaemin accepted then he gave a blowing kiss sign to Jane before he walked away from Jane.

Jane replied with her annoyed face and ignored her eventhough her heart was racing in tune with her mind.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now