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Jane walked to the Jeno's room looking at Jeno who was writing something at his journal.Jeno didnt realized his sister standing behind her cause he was so into his journal.

"I didnt realized that i started to like.."

Jeno quickly hide his journal after Jane read it secretly with her loud voice tried to make Jeno noticed her presence.She laughed at Jeno's reaction then pinched her brother's face.

"Why you dont tell me you have a crush on someone?c'mon share with me",Jane tried to persuade her brother.

Jeno smiled then kept his diary into the drawer.

"You cant hide anything from me.We are siblings right",Jane grinned at Jeno raising her eyebrows up and down.

Jeno moved his body facing his sister."Then,youre not gonna tell me that you met Johnny after work?",Jeno's question make Jane frozed.

5 hours ago

Jane looked at the familiar guy that standing infront of her,that hurt her before,that love her but then leave her.

Jane tried to walk away but then Johnny blocked her with his body,spreading his arms.

Jane looked at Johnny,

"let me go".

Johnny put his arms down,

"Jane,please.i need to talk to you",he begged.

Jane looked at him then ignored him,walked away from him.

"I give you time.Please let me see you",he yelled at Jane who walked from him before her figure vanished from his view.

"I saw you met him outside the shop.Luckily Jaemin was with me,if not I...",

"Im fine,Jeno",Jane interrupted.

She looked at Jeno,"Dont worry,he just pay a small visit.He didnt hurt me",she smiled at her brother.

She stood then clean up his books,"go to sleep Jeno.You have school tomorrow".Jeno nodded then Jane walked out from Jeno's room.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now