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Jane and Jeno were having dinner together.Jeno put some food at Jane's plate and make some eat gestures to Jane to eat more.Jane nodded then smiled.

"Noona,tomorrow after work lets buy some snacks",Jeno asked.Jane suddenly stopped eating then put down the chopstick from her hand. Jeno looked at her confused and worried whether he had said something that hurt her.

Jane looked at Jeno,"Jeno,i need to talk to you.I know you really care about me and you really love me.For me,you are the most perfect brother i have ever have".

Jane looked down then held Jeno's hand,

"I dont mind if you want to come to my workplace but i really want you to spend more times for yourself especially with your friends.We already moved and we can start a new life and be a new person. You can also be a..a new 'you' " ,Jane explained.

Jeno looked down felt hurt but he understand what her sister trying to tell him.

Jane stood then hugged Jeno from his back,

"you know that i really want you to live a good life right",Jane released her hug while Jeno turned around facing her.

He looked at his sister then he nodded.

After the discussion,both of them cleaned the table then do their own work.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now