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"Are you sure you dont want me to accompany you to your new workplace?",Jeno looked at his sister,raising his eyebrow.They were having a first breakfast together in a new house new place.Jane nodded then smiled,"Im older than you,Jeno.I will be fine",she grinned.Jeno smiled back at her while chewing his food,"Focus on your work.Dont look for a new love.I dont want you to feel hurt to early".Jeno's worry make Jane almost choked from her food.She gulped then stood up,"Quick!you will be late for your first day of your new school".

Jane waited for Jeno outside of their house.She was looking at the mirror checking whether her hair and makeup was perfectly made.


She was surprised then she turned back and saw the guy from before."Excuse me,mr...",she was accessing him from head to toe.This annoying guy are wearing a school uniform so it means that he was younger than her!She looked at the tag at his school uniform,"Na Jaemin".

"Excuse me you little boy,you really dont have manners especially to the people older than you!",Jane scolded Jaemin.Jaemin yawned felt bored then ignoring her walked past her.

"Hey!Where are you going?!Come back here!",Jane wanted to catch him and scolded him again but then she saw Jeno already went outside their house.

"Noona,are you ok?",Jeno looked at Jane who looked frustrated and annoyed."Nothing,lets go",Jane walked to their bicycle."I thought we're going by car.Where is our car?"Jeno asked.Jane gulped then looked down to the ground.

"Urm..i sell it".Jeno looked at her calmly,his mind were rambling extensive amount of questioning. "But...but i sell it so that we can have some money for your education fees",Jane explained."But you know that thats the only memorable thing that we have with our parents right?"Jeno talked calmly eventhough he was very mad at his sister's decision."Im sorry",Jane apologized.

Jeno walked closer to her then hugged her."Thats not your fault but please before you want to do anything please tell me",Jeno explained.Jane nodded then both of them ride the bicycle. Jane send Jeno to his school then waved him goodbye before she went to her new workplace.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now