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Jane walked out from her workplace then waved back Kun and Lara before she walked to her home.

On her way,she saw Jaemin was sitting alone at the bench near the park with his earphone plugging in his ears.

He looked like too immersed in his music untill he didnt realized that Jane was sitting beside him.

Jane pulled one of the earphone then put it on her ear while Jaemin was shocked as he didnt realized her existence.

"What song is this?",Jane asked while enjoying the music bobbing her head.

Jaemin smiled at her reaction then flicked her forehead.

"This is not a rock song. You're overreacting",he said while laughing at Jane who was holding her forehead felt the plain from the flick.

Both of them continue listening to the song before Jaemin passed the offer letter to Jane.

She felt weird and curious so she took it from Jaemin them she read it.

As soon as she done reading,she quickly pulled Jaemin closer to her then hugged Jaemin.

Jaemin was shocked,he felt like a glitch towards his nerves but he like it so he just let it happened.

Jane released the hug then put both her palm to Jaemin's shoulder while facing him.

"congratulations!,Im so proud of you",she congratulated Jaemin.

Jaemin smiled and thanked her,he felt shy with her in a sudden so he scratched his back of his neck that does not itchy and looked down to the ground.

Jane felt weird with Jaemin's act so she patted him at his back,

"why you does not look happy?You should felt excited.Your parents and your grandmother must be very proud of you.They might throw a party for you to celebrate you",she insisted while trying to comfort him.

He replied Jane with a smile tried to act like he's fine eventhough deep down he wasnt.

He knew that he will never gonna get the same reaction that Jane gave to him  from his parents if he told them about the offer.

Both of his parents always busy with their work and businesses, they might felt happy and proud with Jaemin's achievement but he knew that they only gonna congratulated him and the phone call gonna end.

He experienced it since childhood and thats the reason he decided to live with his grandmother.

Jaemin looked back at Jane,

"Should i go?",he asked.

Jane laughed at his question and nodded repeatly while nudging him.

Jaemin laughed at Jane but thats make him felt sadder.

He still felt confused with the decision as if he choose to go,he still gonna leave Jane.

Everyday he always wanted to see Jane and he felt very sad if he didnt see Jane even for a day so if he choose to go to Australia,he will experienced harder than his state in this moment.

"Jane,I..." , he wanted to talk to Jane but then he was interrupted by Ten who was running to Jane and hugged her.

Jane was shocked with Ten's hug but then she realized that Ten was crying.

She quickly released the hug then wiped Ten's tears while asking him and tried to comfort him.

Jaemin felt annoyed and jealous at Ten but he tried to calm and looked at both of them.

Ten was looking at Jaemin then looked back at Jane,"Im sorry im disturbing you guys.Sorry Jane",he apologized then walked away from there.

"Jaemin,i think i have to go.See you tomorrow",Jane waved him in a rush then quickly ran to Ten as she was very worried with Ten.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now