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Jeno walked alone then he accidentally bumped onto Jaemin.

Jaemin unplugged his earphone then looked at Jeno smiling.

  "Yah!Where have you been?I kept on looking for you",he walked closer to Jeno then put his arm at Jeno's shoulder.

Jeno looked at Jaemin,confused.

"Erm..Jaemin..about that day",

"lets have burger today.Im very hungry", Jaemin interrupted then brought Jeno looking for a burger shop.Jeno just followed Jaemin wherever he go.

After eating burger,they walked to Jane's workplace.

In fact,since that day,Jaemin always come to Jane's workplace after school  while using Jeno as his excuse.

After they arrived, Jeno sat on a corner waiting for Jane while Jaemin looked for Jane.

He saw Jane was at the kids section sweeping the floor with Kun.

Jane was sweeping while chattering and slightly laughing with Kun.

Jaemin quickly walked there then took the broom from Jane's hand abruptly.

Jane looked at Jaemin,raised her eyebrows felt shocked and unfamiliar with that side of Jaemin.

"I can sweep for you,go to Jeno,he's looking for you",he said then continue sweeping.

Jane wanted to refuse but she felt worried that Jeno might wait for her so she excused herself from there.

Kun stood while looking at Jaemin,

"are you trying to hit on her?",he asked Jaemin.

Jaemin ignored him,focusing on his work.

Kun felt annoyed and mad at Jaemin's rude attitude so he tried to make Jaemin annoyed.

"Tomorrow is Jane's birthday.What should i buy for her?or should i just confessed to her?",kun said loudly trying to get Jaemin's attention and he did it.

Jaemin felt triggered that Kun know more about Jane then him.

He walked to Kun then passed the broom to him,

"you can do this by yourself",he smirked then walked away from there looking for Jane and Jeno.

He saw Jane was sitting alone at the corner so he walked closer to her,

"where is Jeno?",he asked.

Jane looked at him felt baffled,"he was looking for you".

Jaemin nodded then sat infront of Jane,he took a burger he bought at the shop before then gave it to Jane.

Jane looked at the burger then looked back at Jaemin,her face was like a book,easy for him to read especially her feelings. 

"I bought it for you but if you dont want then just throw it".Jane still looked confused and weird with Jaemin but she just thanked him.

Jaemin tried to look at other places avoiding eye contact cause he tried to hold his smile.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now