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Jane was arranging some books before she done her shift.As she was arranging the books,her eyes kept on looking for Jaemin.Jaemin used to come to her workplace after school but since last week he didnt came.Jane felt worried but then she slapped her face,"what are you thinking about Jane?!Its good that he's not here.He wont disturb you",she tried to manipulate herself.After arranging the books,she waved goodbye to Kun and Lara then walked out from the bookshop.On her way,she kept on searching for Jaemin that maybe hide somewhere near there tried to tease her."Does he not love me anymore?or he already have a girlfriend?", thought kept tangled in her mind but then she tried to manipulate her mind," i dont care about him.He's not important to me.i dont love him,he's the one who love me so i dont need to care about him", eventhough she kept on tried to manipulate herself,her heart does not in tune with her mind.

Jane stood infront of Jeno's room looking at Jeno who was studying. "Jeno,urrmmm...how's your friends?i...i havent seen all of them a while",she asked Jeno in fact she only want to know about Jaemin.Jeno looked at his sister then smiled, "they're fine but Jaemin.." , " what happen to Jaemin?!"she interrupted."I dont know,he didnt come to school since last week.We tried to contact him but he didnt answer",Jane felt worried after what Jeno said to her."What's with that face?",Jeno asked as Jane didnt realized that she was pouted.Jane quickly grinned and laughed nervously tried to hide her feelings then walked away from there while slapped her face continuously in embarrassment.

She walked to a supermarket near her house when suddenly she saw Jaemin stood infront of the supermarket.She felt mad at Jaemin eventhough she dont know why she felt mad so she yelled calling Jaemin,"Yah Na Jaemin!Do you think its funny hiding and dissapearing in that way?!".Jaemin saw Jane then he ran from her while Jane quickly followed him while shouting at Jaemin to stop.When they reached Jaemin's house,Jaemin quickly entered his house then locked the door while Jane stopped infront of Jaemin's house panting while her body covered with sweat.

She then took a deep breath and knocked the door before an old lady in mid 60s opened the door looking at her with her curious face."Good evening mrs.Im Jaemin's teacher have been informed that Jaemin does not come to school since last week.I believe you are his mother",she offered her hand for a handshake.The old lady smiled at Jane,"Im not his mother actually,im his grandmother.I was told by their parents that they already informed to the school.What a useless son!haha...He was caught with fever since last week.Im very sorry for the inconvenient miss.." , "Miss Lee" she replied then smiled to the old lady.When she heard it from the old lady,she felt regret for being misunderstood about Jaemin and make Jaemin run from her.

She sat at the living room while waiting for the old lady to serve her some biscuits and tea.At first she already insist to come in but she felt kind of guilty if she rejected it again so she decided to come in."Young lady,Jaemin is at his room.Maybe you can knock his room for me to come down,im cooking right now",Jane nodded then went to Jaemin's room knocked the door.Jaemin opened the door then his face changed when he saw Jane.In a midst of time,Jane quickly entered Jaemin's room then looked around his room.

"What are you doing here?",Jaemin asked while closed his door worried that his grandmother might heard him.Jane then looked at him while both her hands at her waist,her face resembled her madness and angriness towards Jaemin."Yah!Why you dont tell me that you was sick!Im so worried that you will leave me or you have other person that you love besides me!", Jane complainted without her notice her tears flowing from her eyes full of frustration and hurt.Jaemin smiled at first but then his smile vanished when he saw Jane was crying infront of him.

"Im sorry",he said while looked down like her presence already dominated him."Everytime i see you,i really want to hold you.Im afraid if i hold you while im sick,you will also caught with a fever",Jaemin explained.Jane walked closer to Jaemin then held his hands,"Promise me you wont act like this again?",Jaemin smiled at Jane then wiped her tears before they hugged.

"So,you miss me huh?"Jaemin tried to tease Jane.Jane released the hug then gulped,"urm..your grandma called you to come eat with us",she quickly went out from Jaemin's room leaved Jaemin alone smiling at Jane's reactiin before he went out to his grandma.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now