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Jane opened the door when she saw Jaemin stood infront of her.She wanted to nag and express her anger to Jaemin after what he had done to Ten but that feelings were vanished when she saw bruises at Jaemin's face.She wanted to ask Jaemin whether he involved in a fight and with whom but then Jaemin interrupted,

"I already told him"

She was shocked with Jaemin's sudden confession.

Jaemin looked at her then turned back before Jane stopped him.

Jaemin pushed Jane's hand but Jane quickly held his hand then pulled him inside her house.

Jaemin tried to resist but Jane forced him to sit at the couch and waited for her.

She came back with an ointment and treat Jaemin's bruises.Jaemin shooked in pain but Jane ignored him and continue treating him.

"He did this to you?",Jane asked.

Jaemin's eyes wildered from his surroundings tried to avoid any eye contact with her.After Jane treated him,he stood wanted to go back but Jane told him to wait before she went back to her room.

He sat back waiting for Jane then he saw Ten walked to the living room.Ten saw him then he smiled at Jaemin,Jaemin replied him with a smile then looked away does not have any interest to talk with Ten.Ten was on his way to the kitchen but then Jaemin stopped him by calling him,he looked at Jaemin then walked closer to Jaemin.

"Urm..hyung,Im sorry for yesterday.I hope you.." ,

"you're not his boyfriend right?",Ten interrupted.

Jaemin was curious with his question so he just ignored that question.

"Dont worry,the more you did that,the more closer i will be..",Ten was interrupted when he saw Jane walked to them then sat beside Jaemin.

Jane looked at both of them then smiled,"so you guys already become close huh?".

Ten just smiled and put his hand at the back of his neck acting like he was shy while Jaemin felt annoyed with Ten's duality.

He felt something suspicious with Ten especially the way he act infront of Jane and behind her.Ten talked to Jane for a while then excused himself to the kitchen.

"Here,your cap"she gave Jaemin's cap to him.Jaemin looked at his cap as it was a new cap because of the fragrant and the condition of the cap was different from before.

"You left it at the court so i kept it for you",Jane explained.Jaemin just silent then he stood before thanked her.

Jane accompany him until outside of his house when unfortunately Jeno was outside of the house.Jeno saw Jaemin but he ignored him then walked away passing him.

He quickly entered the house leaving Jane and Jaemin alone.

Jaemin looked at Jeno who ignored him then Jane patted him,

"Dont worry,he will be fine.Just give him time",

she tried to comfort him and smiled at him.Jaemin looked at her then smiled at her before waved her goodbye.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now