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Jane was on her way to a supermarket before she was blocked by Johnny.She ignored Johnny then walked past him before Johnny held her hand to stop her from move.

"Johnny,let me go!",she released her hand from Johnny's grip.

"Please,listen to me first",Johnny begging Jane to listen to his explanation.

"Jeno will be mad if he know you're here",Jane tried to ignore Jonhnny.

A"I dont care,I know its my mistake,please.let me explain".Jane stopped then looked at Johnny,moved her body facing him.

They sat on a park,Jane just sat down being quiet tried to ignore eye contact with him.

Johnny turned his body facing Jane,

"Jane,i have something to confess.The truth is since the first day of our relationship,i dont have any feelings for you.Im very sorry that i lie to you and play with your feelings".

Jane tried to hold her tears,she felt very hurt with his confession.

"The truth is Im gay",Jane looked at Johnny and felt shocked with his sudden confession.

"I know i should told you earlier.I tried to ignore that way so i started to date you.I thought i can change but then a guy came into my life.Im..Im very sorry I..",Jane held Johnny's hand then wiped his tears.

"Johnny,you should tell me earlier.You shouldnt be ashamed of yourself.Its your choice to love who you want", she explained.Johnny looked at her then hugged her,thanked her.

"I need your help,Jane",Jane looked at Johnny waiting for his response.

"I want to confess my feelings to Ten but he think that i lied to him cause he saw us kissing before.I really hope if you can be with me when im confessing my feelings to him".Jane looked down playing with her fingers.

"Sure,but..we must be careful.Jeno might know that you're here",Jane explained.

Johnny nodded then thanked her alot.He hugged her but then he was pulled by Jeno who appeared in a sudden.

"What are you doing here?!",he pulled Johnny closer to him then he punched him to his face unti Johnny fell to the ground.

He walked closer to Johnny then he kicked his body multiple times until Jaemin stopped him while Jane ran to Johnny checked his condition.

"Let me go,Jaemin!He have no shame!He need to ...",

"Stop Jeno!",Jaemin interrupted.Jeno looked at Jaemin then released himself from Jaemin's grip before walked away from there.

Jaemin and Jane help Johnny to stood and steadied himself.They helped him walked to his car then Jane drove them to Johnny's house.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now