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Jane cant sleep for a week since she met Jaemin.

Her thought kept bothering her,her mixed feelings always interrupted her.

Love,guilt, hate,anger all mixed up and disturb her sleep.

She sat on her bed then holding his temple as she felt dizzy and tired.

She stood then walked to the kitchen to ate some pills.

After she ate those pills,she walked to her room before she stopped infront of Jeno's room as she heard voices.

She knocked the door but he didnt answered.

She walked into the house then she saw Jeno was covering himself with his mattress on his bed.

She sat beside Jeno and heard voices like Jeno was crying.

"Jeno,are you okay?",Jane asked but he didnt answered.

She removed the mattress trying to check on Jeno cause she felt very worried but then she saw Jeno was crying.

She held Jeno's forehead and it was hot like it burns.

"Jeno,you're sick. Since shen you caught a fever?",Jane asked but he still didnt answered.

Jane quickly ran to the kitchen looking for a bowl,a cloth,medicine and water for Jeno.She brought all of it to Jeno's room then quickly treated him.

"Tomorrow we have to go to the clinic,i cant see..." ,

"its okay noona,im fine.i just need some rest",Jeno interrupted her by refusing to go to the clinic.

Jane tried to persuade him but she failed as he kept on insisted his decision.

Jane gave up and continue treating him before he let Jeno rest.


Ten played games in his phone while waiting for Jane.

He felt weird cause Jane used to visit Johnny everyday but today she still didnt come yet.

Suddenly he heard someone knocked the door.

He quickly hid his phone then laid sat beside Johnny acted like he was looking at Johnny didnt realized their coming.

He turned around then saw Kun was standing there,he tried to look whether Jane was with him but she doesnt.

"Jane cant come today and maybe tomorrow cause Jeno was sick so she need to take care of Jeno.She said sorry",Kun explained.

Ten nodded but deep down he felt dissapointed and annoyed at Jeno.

Ten and Kun were chattering about Johnny before Ten changed the topic asking about Jane.

"Kun,does Jane asked anything about me?",he asked.

Kun looked at him felt weird,"like what?",he asked back.

Ten tried to figure out suitable words so that he will not get caught,

"like anything about me",he smiled awkwardly at Kun.

Kun shrugged while Ten just laughed and talked about anything else.

Kun felt more suspicious after Ten acted that way but then he excused himself and walked away waved goodbye at Ten.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now