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"Mark,where you gonna continue your studies?",Haechan asked but when Mark answered Haechan just act like he was sleepy and yawning to tease Mark.

Mark wrapped his arm to Haechan's neck then pinched his nose until became red.

Haechan yelled in pain asking Mark to stop while the other dreamies laughed at both of them.

Chenle smiled then put his hand on his waist,"Im gonna miss you guys i guess".

Renjun walked closer then pulled Chenle's face to check his face while teasing him,

"are you crying babyboy?

Chenle slapped his face then both of them kept on playing and hitting each other.

Jaemin looked at all of them but then he looked down,he realized that his friendship with Jeno was broken apart.

They havent talked to each other for a long time as Jeno havent spend time with them since the incident.

Everytime they invite him to play basketball or anyelse,Jeno always gave a lot of excuses but Jaemin know that he tried to ignore him.

Jaemin quickly looked directly at Renjun who had called him many times and apologized to him,he realized that Jaemin was spacing out.

"I heard that the principal want to meet you after school".

Mark looked at Jaemin in excitement,

"Really?!I also have to go to the office after school.Lets go together!",

Mark stood beside Jaemin then linked his arm to Jaemin's.

Haechan suddenly felt something weird in his mind when he saw Mark linked his arm to Jaemin so he  walked to them then pushed Mark a bit so that he can stood in the middle of them.

"Haechan, are you jealous?",Chenle teased Haechan.

Haechan shooked his head countless times tried to defend himself then pointed his finger to himself,

"Me?Why should i ?",he laughed awkwardly while Chenle  and Renjun looked at each other then grinned.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now