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"Noona,im gonna pick up Hani",Jeno quickly took the sandwiches at the table and ran to the door."Are you sure?You might be late to the airport",Jane said at Jeno.Jeno stopped then looked at his sister,"its okay.I can make it",he smiled at Jane.Jane smiled back at Jeno then grinned,"wahh~you really want to brag about her at Jaemin huh",Jane teased him then laughed.Jeno laughed then waved her goodbye.

She cleaned the table and waited at the living room before she heard someone knocked the door.She quickly opened the door but then she was shocked with the person who standing infront of her.

"Noona,its been a while",Jaemin said to her then greeted her.Jane stood still didnt reply anything,she didnt know what to do."Johnny sent me here.He send his regards to you",Jaemin said.He waited for Jane to say something but Jane just stood there looked at him.Her glassy eyes tried to hold her tears of astonishment.

Both of them were distracted with the voice of a baby.Both of them looked at the gate and they saw Jeno holding a baby."Aww my Hani already come home.Eomma miss you so much",Jane ran to Jeno and took the baby from Jeno.Jaemin looked at them with his shocked face,thoughts and questions were rambling in his head.Jeno looked directly at Jaemin who was red ravaged in anger,he saw Jaemin curled his fingers into a fist tried to hold his anger.

"Noona,what" , "Jaemin,im sorry", Jane interrupted then apologized to him.Jaemin looked at her then looked at the baby that she was holding.The baby looked at Jaemin then smiled at him,she do have that nice smile from Jane.Jaemin took his things then walked away from there.Jane called his name to stop him but he ignored her while Jeno ran to Jaemin tried to catch on Jaemin leave Jane alone with her daughter.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now