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"Noona,you're back.You look very tired,I already cooked for you",Jeno invited Jane to have dinner with him.

Jane felt full but she cant refuse it because it might hurt her brother's feeling so she decided to join him having dinner together.

"So how's your work?",Jeno asked.

Jane looked at him and complainted,"it just fine but sometimes i have to face some  annoying and rude customers".

Jeno looked at his sister and laughed,he find it funny when her sister complainted much.Jane looked at Jeno then pouted before continue eating.

"How about that guy?",Jeno asked.

Jane looked at Jeno with her confused look before she felt panicked,

'does Jeno know about Jaemin?",thought kept on rambling in her mind.

Jane tried to hide her panic and anxious feelings to try to avoid answering the question.

"kun hyung",Jeno answered.

Jane felt relieved after Jeno answered but then looked back at Jeno with her amused look.

"I think he likes you.I realized he always looking and staring at you whenever i stop by",Jeno said.

Jane laughed then put some food at Jeno's bowl,"dont be ridiculous Jeno.Stop it,lets continue eating".Jeno looked at her sister who still laughing then continue eating.

Eventhough she act like that,Jeno felt something different and weird at his sister.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now