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"Jaemin,stop!" ,

Jeno called Jaemin but Jaemin kept on running ignoring him.

He kept on running before he accidentally stumbled and fall.

Jeno quickly ran to Jaemin felt worried after he fell,he tried to help Jaemin but Jaemin just kneeled and cried.

E Tears were flowing from his eyes as he felt very sad and dissapointed.

Jeno kneeled infront of Jaemin,he put both his hands on Jaemin's shoulder tried to comfort Jaemin then he hugged him.

"Im sorry",he said to Jaemin.

Jaemin kept on crying,

"since when?",he said to Jeno.

Jeno released his hug then looked at Jaemin,

"she married to Kun two years after you left",Jeno explained.

He felt sorry and hurt to see Jaemin crying infront of him,

"please..forget her",Jeno begged Jaemin.

Jaemin wiped his tears then looked at Jeno,

"thanks Jeno,but..i cant".

He stood then turned around as his back facing Jeno.

He walked from there held his tears,

"Jaemin!stop loving her!",Jeno begged as he didnt want Jaemin became worser.

Jaemin turned around looked at Jeno,

"im sorry,i choose to love her forever", Jaemin said then walked from there leave Jeno alone.


The dreamies were waiting for Jeno and Jaemin infront of a restaurant.

Renjun looked at his watch,

"Where are they?They should have arrive now.Its already.." ,

"i know,just wait for them",he was interrupted by Chenle who doesnt want to hear him nag.

Mark waved as he saw Jaemin who was the opposite of the road, Jaemin quickly ran to them and all of them hugged Jaemin as they havent met for a long time.

"We really miss you so much.We thought that we wanted to meet you at the airport but then Jeno told us that you already arrive",Haechan said to Jaemin then hugged Jaemin again.

Jaemin laughed at their reaction as he also really missed his friends eventhough he still does not recovered from what happen this morning but he tried to hid it.

He thought that maybe this night he can heal himself after sadness and dissapointment.

Jeno was walking alone on his way to the restaurant.

He brought his bag with a congratulatory present for Jaemin.

He knew that it might be awkward for both of them after they met this morning but he have to meet them cause this will be their first reunion.

He received a message from Chenle as he was crossing the road to the restaurant,

Chenle:yah!where are you?we already inside tired of waiting for you.Just come in!

He newly realized that he accidentally turn his phone on silent mode.He checked then he saw 18 missed calls from the dreamies including Jaemin.He felt sad but then he felt dizzy and his vision became blurry.


Jane was at her room with her 2 year old daughter.

She was playing with her but her thoughts kept on disturbed her.

She kept on thinking about Jaemin,she felt confused snd guilty at the same time.

She didnt know whether he did the right thing or not.

As she was drowning in her thoughts,she received a phone call from her husband.

Kun:yeobo~you really make me worry.why you didnt call me today?you used to call me everyday when im outstation

Jane:sorry,i forgot yeobo.forgive me

Kun:its okay im just worried.How is Hani?i really miss my babygirl

Jane:she's fine.she went to your mom's house yesterday.Jeno went to your mom's house this morning and right now she's with me playing with her new toys.

Kun:i really miss her.and you too

Jane:when you gonna come back?

Kun:next week i guess.ok yeobo i got to go



Jane:i love you!

Kun:awww so cute! I love you too

Jane ended the phone call,she forgot that she didnt called her husband but luckily kun doesnt get mad at her.

Suddenly,she received a phone call from Jeno.

She felt curious as Jeno should be with the dreamies hanging out and enjoying themselves tonight and of course to celebrate Jaemin.

She quickly picked up the phone but the one who answered the phone was not Jeno,

Its jaemin.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now