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"Have you heard about the new gossip?!Its very crazy!",Haechan came to his gang while talking loudly like he used to.

"Oh come on!Shut up man!I wanna sleep"Renjun yelled at Haechan then continue to sleep while Chenle and Jisung waited for him ,Mark was studying while Jaemin was reading a comic.

The teacher walked into the class and students running to their seats.

A boy followed behind the teacher,he looked like a shy and innocent boy.

"Yah Jaemin,do you know who is he?I never met him before",Haechan whispered to Jaemin.

Jaemin looked at him then shrugged.

"Haechan,be quiet.The teacher might listen to you",Mark adviced Haechan but Haechan ignored him and then stick his tongue out.

"Hi,my name is Jeno.I moved here last two days.Hope we can be friends", Jeno smiled then bowed to all the students infront of him.

They all clapped for him then Jeno walked to a seat beside Jaemin.

"Does this seat occupied?",Jeno asked Jaemin.

"No one,you can sit here",he replied.

Jeno nodded then thanked him.

After class,most students walked out to the class on their way to the cafeteria for lunch.

Jeno stood then walked out to the class before Haechan and Jaemin stopped him.

"Come join us.You look like you're going to have lunch alone".

Jeno looked at them and nodded decided to join them.


"Are you the newbie?"Jane startled out from her reverie then bowed to the girl that greet her.

"Chill girl,haha.Im Lana.Whats your name?"she asked.

"Im Jane".

Lana welcomed her then bring her to a tour at the bookshop.

"This bookshop was newly open so there's only three person worked here including you"Lana explained to her.

Jane nodded then looked around,

"who's the another person?"she asked Lana.

In a midst of time,a tall cute guy went inside to bookshop putting his bag at the counter.

He looked at Jane and Lana then he walked to them.

"You're late!"Lana teased him then laughed while Jane smiled  then bowed at him.

The guy bowed back then introduced himself at Jane,"Im Kun".

Both of them didnt realized that they look at each other for a long time until they heard a "hem" from Lana.

Jane looked at Lana then blushed,"Thank you Lana and Kun,I think i can start working now.I..I gonna arrange the books first"she excused herself then walked to the bookshelves.

Kun looked at Jane then looked at Lana who was smiling at him.

"What?",he asked.

Lana laughed while covered her mouth,"love at first sight huh?"

Kun pinched her shoulder then walked to the counter left her alone in pain from the pinch.


After school,all of them walked together to go back home."Guys,lets play basketball at the park",Haechan suggest his idea.

Most of them agree except Mark,"I think i cant because i wanted to study.I dont understand much what I learn today"he explained while holding his spectacle

All of them looked at Mark,"Oh come on Mark!Dont worry about it!It was easy,you can study it tonight", Haechan tried to persuade Mark.

"Oh really!Can you teach me?",Mark blinked his eyes waiting for Haechan's response.

"Of course.....NO!",Haechan grinned.

Mark looked at him,his face portrays sadness,"why?".

Haechan came closer to Mark then patted his shoulder,"because...i also dont understand it!",all of them including Haechan laughed at Mark for being too innocent.

"Guys,i have to go.Sorry i cant joim you guys",Jeno's apology stopped them from laughing.

"Why?you also want to go study?",Jaemin talked to him then laugh.

Jeno smiled,"Nope,haha..I want to go to my sister's new workplace. Just wanna check on her whether she's fine or not at her new  workplace".

They all listened to him then nodded."See you Jeno",all of them waved at Jeno then separated ways.


"Excuse me,do you know where is Miss Jane?",Jeno asked to Kun who was in charge at the counter.

Kun looked at him then asked,"Im sorry but what is your relation with her?".

Jeno looked at him then answered,"Im her brother".

Kun felt relieved then laughed,"Oh haha.Im sorry for asking.Its for our employee's safety.She was at the bookshelves arranging some books.You can find her there."Jeno smiled then bowed to him.

Jane was arranging the books before she realized a figure was standing beside her looking at her.

She slowly put the book to the shelves then she looked at where the figure stand.

She was shocked and surprised when she saw Jeno was standing there looking at her without saying anything.

"Jeno,its not funny!"Jane scolded her brother.

Jeno grinned then apologized,"I dont want to disturb you thats why i decided to stand here looking at you",he explained.

Jane held her chest felt the ripples of the pulse of the heartbeat after she felt shocked.

Jeno walked closer to her then took some books from the boxes,"Noona,go and get some rest.You must be very tired."

He pushed Jane aside then continue doing her work arranging the books.

Jane wanted to stop him but she knew that Jeno will never listened to her.

After work,both of them walked to their home together.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now