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After school,Jeno and Jaemin walked together to go back home.

"So Jeno, what will you gonna buy for Jane's birthday today?",he asked Jeno.

Jeno looked at Jaemin felt discomfort,

"how do you know today is her birthday?", he asked.

Jaemin looked at Jeno then looked at his surroundings while trying to figure out what to answer.

He already imagined Jeno kicked and punched him for having a crush on her sister.

"urrmm..i heard it yesterday from her coworkers",he replied with a grin tried to cover himself.

Jeno nodded,accepting his answer.

"I thought i want to buy her a ring.I already collect my money to buy that ring for her so i want to stop by at the jewellery shop at the mall that we used to go".

Jaemin looked at Jeno then offered him to accompany Jeno to the mall.

Jane was at a supermarket buying some groceries and some things that Jeno asked to buy.In the meantime, Jeno invited Kun and Lara to celebrate Jane's birthday at their house.They already  prepared everything for Jane's birthday especially her birthday cake.They waited for Jane to come back so that they can surprise her and celebrate her birthday.

After Jane done buying the groceries, Jane accidentally bump onto Jaemin. Jaemin saw Jane holding some things so he took some bags from Jane's hands.Jane tried to refuse his help but he already ignored her.

They walked together side by side quietly before Jane asked him questions.

"Why do you act different?",she asked.

Jaemin looked at Jane then shrugged before he continue looked at infront of him.

"I mean..yeah..you used to be annoying and..",

"i told you i did that because i want to get your attention", Jaemin intterupted.

A hush fall over Jane before Jane started to ask back,"why you want my attention?".

Jaemin stopped then moved his body facing Jane as they already arrived infront of Jane's house.

"I like you",he confessed.

Jane stunned with Jaemin's confession. Jaemin took Jane's hands that put the bags from his hands to hers.He cupped her face then looked directly at her eyes.

"Happy birthday noona", he wished her birthday then he kissed her.

Jane was astounded but her body was frozed,her heart didnt pursue in tune with her mind.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now