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Jane havent heard about Jaemin since the day she met Jaemin and that makes her felt very worried but she tried to overcome it by ignoring the matter and focus on other things especially about Jeno that was having a fever since last two days.

She waited outside her house after she received message from Kun that he's gonna visit Jeno for a while.After ten minutes,she decided to wait for Kun inside her house as the weather that night was so cold.She didnt locked the door and sat on the couch waiting for Kun till she didnt realized that she fall asleep.

She woke up when she realized that someone was holding her.

She opened her eyes then she saw a pair of eyes looked directly at her while holding her.

"Ten,what are you doing?",Jane asked him as she felt uncomfortable with Ten was on top of her.

She tried to push him but Ten's grip was too strong.

Ten pinned her hand to stop her from moving then kissed her.

Jane tried to released herself while tears was flowing from her eyes.

Ten's kisses travelled from her lips to her neck,

"do you know that i really want you so much",he mumbled.

Ten's act was distracted when Kun quickly pulled Ten from Jane's body then punched him to his face until he fell down to the floor.

Kun quickly ran to Jane asking and checking her whether she was fine before Ten quickly pulled Kun and punched him continuously until Kun laid helplessly on the floor.

"Im so tired to act like i really love that f*ing annoying Johnny.I did everything to get close to you but everytime Johnny involved,my plan always become a mess.I thought that my plan to kill him was a success but then that stupid boy Jaemin destroyed it.Now im gonna get back what i lose",Ten talked to Jane while grinning.

He walked towards Jane while Jane tried to run from him but she failed as Ten held her arm and tighten his grip.Jane begged for help before Ten lose his grip then fall back to the ground.

Jane looked at Ten then she saw Jeno was standing beside Ten's body looking at her,

"im so tired.Why he's here?can we just dont have any relation with him anymore?",Jeno said to Jane then Jane ran to him hugged him.

Jane quickly called police and they quickly send Kun to the hospital. Luckily Kun's injuries were not serious and after a few minutes the doctor informed Jane that Johnny was already conscious.

After Kun's grandfather came and thanked Jane before he brought Kun to his home,Jane went to Johnny's room. When she came in,she saw Johnny was sitting on the bed looking at her while smiling. Jane ran to him then hugged him,she felt so happy for Johnny.

After a few days,Johnny was discharged from the hospital.Jane and Jeno brought Johnny to their home to have a rest before Jane told Johnny everything about Ten.Johnny felt so upset and dissapointed to himself but he glad that Jeno and Kun was there to save Jane.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now