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"Noona,I want to go to the toilet.After that,I will help you",Jeno told Jane."Dont worry Jeno.I just want to sweep infront for a while before i come in".Jeno nodded then walked into their house.

As Jane was into sweeping,she accidentally hit on a box near her.She sat infront of the box then rummaged inside the box.As she was rummaging, she saw a photo of her and her ex, Johny.They looked very happy and both of them love each other.Suddenly,the memories came passed through her mind like barred the world away reminding her their happy moments together.She really love Johny,she thoughy Johny will be the first and the last love for her.But then,he left her.

She didnt realized that a tear drop from the corner of her eyes.The memories engulfed her until she accidentally drop the photo from her hand to the ground.Unfortunately,the wind blew the photo.Jane quickly ran to catch the photo.The wind blew the photo until the photo stopped at the walkway near her house.She quickly took the photo and make sure the photo is clean.

"Luckily i get you.Johny already leave me,now you want to leave me too?"she looked at the photo then hugged the photo tightly cause she really missed him.

"Move",a voice from her back surprised her.She turned around and saw a tall arrogant guy standing with his fiery eyes like he was already on the end of the world."What is it?",Jane asked him."I said,move away.You're blocking my way"the guy talked to her in sarcastic tone.

The guy's behaviour make Jane felt very annoyed and mad."You can just walk by the road right?there's no cars here,you can even walk in the middle of the road and sleep there if you want!",Jane answered him felt very annoyed with him.If there's no rules in this world,she will punched and kicked him multiple times.

His eyebrows rose,then came down into a deep scowl.His outraged eyes seethed with ire."Weirdo"he replied to Jane then put his headphone to his ears,walked pass Jane and ignored her.

"Go away you annoying fellas!Dont ever walk here.I dare you if you walk here,you're gonna die!"Jane yelled at the guy eventhough she know that guy wont heard her.

"Noona,what are you doing?Why you kept on yelling?People might hear you"Jeno came to Jane then asked his sister.Jane took a deep breath then smiled at Jeno,"Nothing brother.Lets go inside"she pulled Jeno's hand then walked together inside their house.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now