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Jane ran to Ten who was trying to avoid her.

She held Ten's arm stopped him from moving.

"Look,im very sorry if my question before hurt you or offend you.I didnt meant to.The truth is i really want you and Johnny to be together.Johnny really love you so much",Jane explained.

Ten looked at her then tears flowing from his eyes,"Jane,i really dont know what should i do right now.I felt ashamed at what i did to Johnny and i think im not good enough for him",Ten confessed.

Jane patted Ten's back tried to comfort her then Ten suddenly hugged her tried to comfort himself.

They released their hug then Jane wiped Ten's tears.

"Dont worry Ten,i will always help you guys to be together",Ten smiled at her ease Jane.

"So you're not gonna meet Johnny?", Jane asked.

Ten looked down then shooked his head in disagreement."I think im going back",Ten said.

Jane looked at him with her shocked face like her eyes almost popped out from the sockets,


He portrays his sadness and confusion to his face,

"i dont have place to live and im not ready to meet Johnny so I think I.." ,

"Just stay at my house!",Jane interrupted.

Ten looked at her confused,"What?I cant.I dont want to burden you",he rejected Jane's offer.

"Our home still have one room or if your not comfortable,you can just sleep at the living room.Just to make sure you're ready to meet Johnny.Please~",Jane begged.

Ten kept on thinking and after Jane kept on begging him,he accepted it.Jane hugged him in excitement then pulled his hand.

"Dont worry,im gonna make sure you and Johnny will be together. But in one condition,dont tell my brother that you are related to Johnny.Just tell him you are my friend",Ten looked at her wanted to know the reason but Jane just leave it and talked about anything else.


Jeno opened the door and saw his sister with a guy in 20s stood beside her.He pointed his finger while looking at his sister,

"Owh,he's my friend.He will be staying here for a while cause of some matter",Jane explained and grinned tried to convince her brother.

Jeno shrugged then just let them in.Jane brought Ten to his room then let Ten rest for a while before they have lunch together.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now