New Girl Nerd

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Patrick's P.O.V

Miss Jackson's class is like the most boringest class in the world, One because she is like 80 years old and Two because she would just sit there while we did our work and she would read her old books. If someone would sneeze during silent reading or something like that she would keep the whole class in at lunch so I would kick people if they would cough or sneeze. Miss Jackson was called outside by the principal for like two minutes and then when she came back inside, behind her was back a girl with really short adidas shorts and a long sleeve Vans top with her hair in a high pony-tail she looked so shy and nerdy but she also looked so pretty and beautiful with her glasses and I realized she had a shoulder bag with a Fedora in it. She took out her hair and quickly changed her Vans shirt for a very old Fall Out Boy shirt, I blushed and hid behind Pete who was looking at me confused. She placed the Fedora on her head and then looked around almost spotting me.

"Shit! She is a FOB fan Pete!"

I said quietly as I continued to stare at her.

"Go talk to her at lunch because I think someone has a crush on the new girl!"

Pete said as he nugged my shoulder then I ignored him for the rest of the class before running into the girl at her locker.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry, here!"

I said picking her Fedora up THAT had fallen off of her head.

"Oh My Gosh!"

She said covering her hands over her mouth.

"Your Patrick Stump Omg I had no clue you went to this school and I thought you uhh left collage?"

She said scratching the back of her head blushing.

Ashley's P.O.V

OMG I just walked into Patrick Stump I think I am dying.

"Uhh Oh sorry Im Ashley, Ashley Howell! it is so nice to meet you Mr. Stump. Oh my lord!"

I mumbled he was so so so hot under my breath and I think he heard me cause he blushed and laughed at me.

"It is so nice to meet you too Ashley. Uhh do you maybe want to sit by me and my friends over at the cafeteria?"

Did he just ask me to sit with him? OMG DONT FUCK UP NOW ASHLEY!

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