Cause I can love you more than this

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I was standing in front of my full mirror in only my bra and undies because my lover was downstairs waiting for me to hurry up because we were going out somewhere. I had a lot of clothes on my floor and I was still looking through my draws, I had tears in my eyes because I was not happy with the way I looked, I either looked really fat in some clothes or I wouldn't fit any other clothes.

"Im fat!"

I quietly yell to myself not wanting Patrick to hear me. After a while of quietly sobbing over my body and sitting on the ground at the end of our bed in front of my our mirrors, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Ashley? Honey can I come in please?"

I heard Patrick's voice and I sniffed and wiped my eyes. I didn't say anything but he came inside the room and looked around confused.

"Babe, what happened in here?"

He asked as he walked over to me and held out his hands to help me up, I took his hands and stood up. He then looked at my almost naked body and I also looked down at my disgusting body before covering it up with a sheet that was on the bed.

"Babe, please talk to me. I want to help you. What is wrong, love?"

"Im fat."

I quietly mumbled under the sheets.

"What did you just say?"

He said sounding mad. I then got back up and looked at myself in the mirror again, pinching the flab of my body.

"I said, Im fat. Patrick Im sorry I ruined our date by wasting so much time and crying over nothing."

I said still looking in the mirror with hot tears stinging my cheeks. He then came behind me and kissed my neck.

"You..... Are.....NOT.....Fat!"

He said in between kisses on my neck and shoulders. I couldn't help but to stop pinching the "fat" and cross my arms against my chest.

"your perfect, you have the most perfect curves, the most cutest butt in the world and the most perfect size stomach. And dont even get me started on your breasts, babe you have the most perfect body ever. You are NOT fat my love!"

I then blushed and looked at him in the mirror then I turned around to face him.

"Oh and you didn't ruin our date, dont worry sugar. But can you promise me one thing?"

I then moved my head to look at him confused as he placed his chin on my shoulder.


"Promise me you will NEVER EVER call yourself fat ever again? Please? It is not true and it hurts me to see you upset about your sexy, amazing, perfect, tiny body!"

I then thought about it for a second and smiled.

"I promise to never ever call myself fat or make fun of my body!"

I said as I held up my hand next to my face. We both giggled and I got into some clothes and then Patrick took me out to the park where we just walked hand and hand, got some photos with fans and all that jazz.

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