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A/N: I/you am Pete Wentz best friend from kindergarten in this Imagine and he called me and asked me if I/you wanted to go on tour and meet his band again.

I was just getting over a break up with my ex boyfriend because he was very abusive and he did drugs and all he wanted me for was sex which we rarely happened cause I would make him stop because he was always drunk and he would hurt me badly at times. I woke up from a little nap in my new little apartment to my phone buzzing madly so I picked it up and it was an unknown number, I thought it was Jason but I wasn't sure so I just picked it up and assumed it was him.

"Jason, why the fuck are you calling me I told you never to call my phone again!"

I was about to hang up before I heard a familiar voice, was it him? Could it be Pete?I have no clue we haven't talked since their first album and now they were going on their Save Rock And Roll tour, Patrick was like so freaking adorable and he still is, Oh god Patrick my forever crush!"

"Ashley-Rose? This is Peter not Jason."

"Oh, sorry it was an unknown number, uhh hey Pete how is everything? Excited for your tour tomorrow?"

"Your still a huge fan aren't you? From the first album you have loved Fall Out Boy haven't you?!"

He laughed, I then also laughed.

"Biggest fan Pete be grateful! So Save Rock And Roll right?"

"Yip, that's why I called you."


"Now the reason why I called is because I was wondering if you wanted to come on tour with us? I mean I talked to the band and they dont really remember you too much but they will once they see you and they are all great with it, if you can and want to just know that Joe has a girlfriend and you know Maegan so that just leaves Patrick and Andy, Patrick recently got out of a relationship and you know Andy he isn't looking for love right at this moment so yeah...... You in?"

"Of course! Uhhh I dont know-"

"Dont worry, I will come get you in like 20 minutes so we can hang and then tomorrow we will go on the busses cool? Oh I just need your address!"

"Haha cool! Uh, I am at (Any apartment or place) I will quickly pack."

"Cool be there soon."

"Ok bye Wentz!"

"Ok bye Howell!"

We then hung up and I went to packing and 20 minutes later I heard a knock on my front door, I ran down stairs in my black plain crop top and my black and red flannel over top, still in my exercise pants I was in this morning but they were cute and clean so I left them on and my hair was down past my shoulders in bouncy curls. I looked into the little peep hole and then opened the door to see Pete standing there.


"Yes, hello Peter!""


"You ok?"


"Pfft is that all you say? Wow!?"

"Shit sorry, your just really pretty haha, I think Patrick will be into you!"

"Pfft, fuck off! Ok ready to go?"

"Whenever you are!"

We got in his car and talked then I put on my music, of course it was FOB, all I got from Pete was some small air guitar and laughter, I never sang cause I cant and he sometimes looked at me concerned.

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