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I saw the way he looked at Louisa and I did not like it.

"Patrick come here for one second?!"

I said as I made hand gestures to my boyfriend of 2 weeks.

"Hey sugar! What's up darl?"

"Do you love me? I mean just tell the truth because we have been dating for like two weeks and I can see the way your looking at Louisa, Patrick!"

He just looked at me like he was confused but then he smirked and wiggled his eyebrows at me weirdly, he looked like he was drunk. Patrick was my first ever boyfriend and he is the one I want to lose my virginity to but im way too scared to make a first move.

"Ash, I love you so so so much! Dont you deer think I like Louisa like that honey! Now promise me you wont get jealous baby? I have to collab with Courtney and the nurse for Where did the party go? then I am all yours and maybe we could lose our virginity together on each other!"

He whispered into my ear and gave me a look that made me feel knots inside my stomach. I trusted Patrick and enjoyed watching him get "Beat Up" by little kids and sometimes I could not watch as things happened that was inappropriate. I got really angry and jealous when Young volcanoes was being made because of the woman who showed their breasts in the pig masks. Patrick had no clue that was going to happen but he saw my reaction and he was about to get up but then I ran out and into my car.

Patricks P.O.V

I saw Ashley run out and I tried to avoid the boobs, I had my eyes shut at that stage while I felt really uncomfortable. After it was done I had to go find her.


I said and hand gestured time out then the crew knew I had to go so they took the yellow contacts and the hook and I was free to get into my car and go find Ashley. I got to her apartment and went to go unlock it with the key she lended me but when I went to unlock it I found that it was already unlocked.

"Ash? Baby Its Patrick!"

I said as I quickly ran upstairs to her bedroom and heard groaning and I kinda got scared so I ran into her room and just stood there in shock.

"Patrick! Im sorry!"

she said as she covered herself with the duvet. She was masturbating and were in shock that I was just staring at her. I blushed and looked away, I went to sit on the other side of the bed.

"Uhh Patrick? I know I was like so jealous back there I just-"

Before she could say anything I placed my finger on her lips and shushing her and placing my lips on my soft lips.


I woke up with Ashley on my chest just rubbing circles on it and I looked down the the happy Ashley!

"Morning beautiful! Did you like last night?"

"I Sure did!"

She said as she looked back down at her exposed body.


After that night every thursday night was OUR night *Wink Wink*

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