Babies (part 2)

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"Declan? Declan honey where are you?"

I called out to my son, he then ran into the room and ran up to me giving me a huge hug.

"Oof, hey buddy want to come with me to find out if the baby is a girl or boy?"


"Ok, go get yourself into the car and I will be in there in one second alright?"

He then nodded and got into the car, I grabbed my phone and purse and got into the driver's seat.


"Yes Dec?"

"Where is dad? Usually he wakes me up in the morning but I woke up and he wasn't home."

Patrick had been far too busy working on the new album and it made me feel upset a little to know my son is missing him and he is missing the gender of OUR second child, I then thought about it and left the other way to his studio.

"We are going to pick him up so he can come see what the baby is alright?"

He then smiled and went back to play on my phone that I gave him for the ride.

"Mommy, can I go in and see Pete, Joe, Andy and dad?"

He asked as I parked the car. I then got out of the car and opened the door for the little child to run out of the car and he banged onto the studio door really loudly.

"Coming! Geesh someone is desperate to see one of us!"

I heard Pete say and that made me laugh a little then I got my purse out of the car.

"Oh, hey Declan! Daddy is upstairs just jamming out with Joe and Andy is on the drums if you want to see them. Hello lovely!"

He said to me as I gave him a hug and Declan ran upstairs almost slipping over but he got back up and carried on while me and Pete laughed.

"Why is he so eager to see his father?"

Pete asked, I then looked at him confused, did Patrick not tell them? Oh well!

"Well we are about to go find out the gender of the baby and Declan didn't see Patrick this morning so he is really excited to see him and know if he is having a baby bro or sis!"

"What? Y-your pregnant? Omg Ashley this is amazing congrats! Why didn't Patrick tell us?"

He asked, he then gave me another hug but lightly this time and we walked upstairs to see Declan banging on the drums and everyone covering their ears.

"Hello beautiful!"

Patrick said as he came and gave me a massive bone crushing hug but not the tight sort of bone crushing hug like usual because of the baby inside of me.

"What are you two doing here?"

He asked taking the drumsticks out of Declan's hands so he could hear me. I then looked really shy and then Patrick looked at me concerned.

"Babe? Is everything alright? Is the baby alright?"

"Yes, maybe we should tell Joe and Andy cause Pete already knows because I was talking about it because I thought you told them."

He then smiled that adorable teeth showing smile and turned around to face the guys.

"Yo we have huge news to tell you all well Pete already knows but Andrew, Joseph! I am going to be a father of two children meaning Ashley my loving beautiful pregnant wife is having another child and I am so happy and excited!"

He said sounding really excited and jumping up and down. Andy and Joe AND Pete came and gave me a big hug and congratulated me on my pregnancy.

"Now the reason why I am here is because, Patrick I need you to come with me to find out the gender of our baby, me and Declan were going to go on our own but I think you need to come as well."

"Yeah, Patrick go! We will be fine here, we won't break anything or do anything shit when your not here, go find out the gender of your baby and tell us we cant wait!"

They all said, me and Patrick just laughed and then Patrick thanked the guys and went over to swoop up the little 5 year old up into his arms and onto his shoulders.

"Im scared!"

I quietly said as I was getting into the passenger seat.

"Babe, you do not need to be scared trust me!"

I then smiled and kissed his cheek before moving into my seat properly. I then took in a big breath and looked back at Declan who was happily playing on my phone. I then placed my hand on my stomach and rubbed it a little, Patrick then took my hand and kissed my knuckles then held my hand while he drove through town all the way to the hospital. Once we got there we quickly got out of the car and Patrick got Declan out of the car for me and we walked into the waiting room.

"Uhhhh, Mrs. Stump?"

The nurse said as she was holding a clipboard. I then asked if my husband and son could come in and she nodded so we went inside the room and the nurse got me to sit down on the chair while it went down like a dentist chair. Patrick was sitting next to me in a normal seat with Declan on his lap and Patrick was holding my hand smiling at me. Then the nurse left the room and said she was going to get the results so I just sat there really scared and nervous.

"Ashley you don't have any reason to be scared babe I promise!"

Patrick said as he kissed my forehead. When the nurse came in she had tears of joy in her eyes and she smiled at me. Then Declan came and sat on my lap.

"Well, congratulations Mr and Mrs Stump. You will be parents not just to this little cute 5 year old boy but to a baby girl, congratulations."

I then cried, I was having a baby girl! Patrick really wanted a girl and Declan wanted a little sister and I really didn't care as long as she/he was healthy and happy.


The nurse said. I then looked at her scared really scared. I was going to say something and Patrick placed his hands on my shoulders whilst standing behind me.

"Your baby girl was a twin to another girl and unfortunately the other baby died. I am so sorry Mrs. Stump!"

I then almost died inside. I then nodded my head to thank her for telling me and she said she will give us some space and will take Declan to the little children play corner. I then hugged Declan and sat back down and put my head in my hands and cried. Patrick then rubbed my back.

"Babe. I am so sorry!"

Patrick then went on about how sorry he was and then I just hugged him tightly.

"Patrick, babe, it's ok! Really it's ok. As long as we have each other and Declan and this little baby we will be fine."

He then smiled at me and kissed me hard before the nurse came back in with Declan.

"You are free to leave now. Again I am really sorry about one of your loss."

She said. Declan then came up to me and hugged me tightly before I picked him up and placed him on my lap. We then went home, called the guys whom then came over and played with Declan, then we just rested and my mom came to pick Declan up so they could look after him for a while.


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