Thank you!

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It had been one month after my boyfriend cheated on me and one month since I had left my apartment. My hair was all greasy and my skin was all dry and I hadn't eaten a lot either so I looked painfully skinny AND I had my knee in a cast so that was even more painful but at least it got me out of going to parties until it came off and I am now in a brace and I just laid in bed and watched netflix until I heard a knock at the door, I dont have any friends so I kinda got confused of who would knock on my door. I then opened it and there stood my parents with what looks like a gift and some flowers.

"Mom, Dad! Its so nice to see you!"

 I said giving them a hug.

"Oh honey, you look painfully skinny like you haven't eaten anything here let me fix you up something yummy!"

My mother said as she moved into the kitchen. I sat at the bench with my dad while my mom was behind the bench cooking.

"So how is Max?"

I then rolled my eyes at that word.

"Oh were over, he cheated on me so I left."

"Oh hon I am so sorry!"

They both said hugging me.

"Its fine I guess."

I said and then I got another knock at the door like what is up with people just turning up dont they know I have a phone? No one was there except a letter, I brought it inside and opened it up.

"Dear Ashley, you are invited to my party at the bar to get WASTED please come and dont bring anything, drinks are free and I am not wanting anything but friends so NO gifts.-Max"

I then thought to myself if I should go or not then my parents left and I decided to go, I wanted to make him feel jealous so I put on my brand new sexy low cut dress and made my make up full on sexy, I couldn't go without a gift so I got him a last minute gift at the store as I drove past it to get to our- his house.

"Ashley, hey its so good to see you! Omg you did not have to bring a gift haha I said none but thanks come on in!"

He said looking already wasted, he then looked my body up and down and I just pushed through to get to the bar were I saw my only friend and best friend at it Patrick.

"Wow, someone is looking mighty fine tonight!"

He says slightly tipsy, he then gets me over to the dance floor with him and we dance, I notice Max is looking at me with full on jealousy, I then kiss Patrick because I really have feelings for him and maybe I was a little drunk and at that he kissed me back.

"Excuse me Stump may I cut in?"

Max asks, Patrick being the gentlemen he is moves away and winks at me to come and meet him outside when Im done. Max then puts his hands on my hips and smirks at me.

"Wow your so sexy, I-I love youuuuuu Ash baby!"

"Max, you dont love me your drunk and where is your girlfriend anyways?"

I ask trying to be polite.

"Right in front of me!"

He says as he leans into kiss me but I move away.

"Max? What the fuck are you doing?"

Max's girlfriend he cheated on me with yells then she runs outside and I follow her not to talk to her but to get to Patrick.

"Hey sugar!"

He says as he kisses me and I kiss him back, Then Max sees us kissing and he pushes Patrick into the pool.

"Max what the fuck!"

I then take my clothes off witch leaves me in just my underwear and dive in and see Patrick looking at me with a sexy smirk.

"Thanks for making my girl undress I mean I was going to do that later on but you just made it much easier for me buddy boy!"

Patrick says as his hands roam my body, we then head out of this shitty party and go back to his house. We make out for a while until we both doze off into a pieceful sleep.

"Thank you Patrick!"

"What for?"

"Basically getting me out of my house and loving me I guess."

"I did notice you were looking painfully skinny and a bit pale also!"

He then kissed my head and went back to sleep.

Patrick Stump ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now