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I was getting ready for the next show with the band but then I got distracted by my girlfriend searching around the bus for something and it really bugged me to see her so annoyed, I got up and quietly wrapped my arms around her waist and she instantly jumped.

"Babe! What the hell? You scared the shit out of me!"

She whined I then placed my chin on her shoulder as she just stood there with her arms crossed, she looked so cute right now, she always looks so cute though.

"What are you looking for beautiful?"

I asked, she then put her hands over her face and then went into the other room.

"I found it! Finally!"

I heard from the bathroom, I just laughed and then she came out with her glasses, I had no clue she wore glasses, we have been dating for two weeks and I haven't seen her in spectacles before.

"Wait! You wear glasses Ash?"

I then heard the door slam and the boys rush in.

"Yes? I do! You have time to know why?"

We then all sat down ready for a story like little kids so interested. She then laughed and pulled up a chair to sit in front of us, my god she was so pretty.

"Ok so it was the summer of 2011 and I was driving home from a singing competition that I came first in out of all the contestants but then I was in a car accident with a drunk truck driver and he crashed into me, it was foggy like really foggy and he was on the wrong side of the road and the glass from the front window went in my eye like a lot, I was blind for a while but then after eye surgery I got spectacles and that is why I never sing from that that day on and ever since then I haven't sung anything not even when im alone it just hurts too much to think of what happened."

she said with teary eyes, I then looked at Pete who also looked at me then Pete got up and hugged Ashley.

"I really am sorry Ash, I am your best friend I should have done something like come to see you in hospital and gotten you away from Jason faster, I really am sorry!"

She then cried into his chest and then gave the others a hug and then she kissed my lips like it was only us in the room then we all went to a cafe down the road and had dinner. My phone buzzed in my pocket and it was a message from Eliza.

"Ex: Hey Patrick, I was wondering if we could meet at a cafe and talk things out, maybe get back together? Im sorry!"

I then sighed and Pete looked at me confused then I grabbed Ashley's hand and started kissing her knuckles.

"Hehe, Patrick please Im eating!"

I then kissed up her arm and then she put down her fork and we kinda made out in the cafe.

"Oh. My. Gosh! you two are so embarrassingly cute together!"

Joe said. Pete then asked me what was wrong.

"What? Nothings wrong silly!"

"Patrick! Are you going to reply to whoever messaged you?"

He said. I got out my phone again and typed.

"Me: Uhh, I am on tour atm and I dont think we can get back together, tell Declan I say hi and I cant wait to see him next week."

I was about to put my phone away but she replied.

"Ex: Please just when you get back meet me at my house!"

I just sighed and didn't know what to do so I put it back in my pocket and went back to kissing Ashley and then the guys gagged and covered their eyes with their hands.

"OMG I am so in love with you Ashley!"

"OMG I am so in love with you Stump!"

We just looked into each other's eyes and this was our last day in LA soon we would be heading back to Chicago in a couple of hours. Then we went back to the bus and Pete asked me to come talk to him.

"Whats up Pete?"

"You really like her dont you?!"

"Hell YEs!"

I yelled.

"Well make sure you protect her, you know she is in a lot of pain from her break up and you know she is like a sister to me so please dont do what Eliza did to you and I need you to love her and make her feel loved alright?"

I then nodded then thought of what Eliza did to me and then I felt a tear fall out of my eye, Pete then patted my back then I got up and walked to Ashley pulling her into an unexpected hug.

"Oh my god Patrick!"

"Hehe, what?"

"You scared the living daylight out of me!!!!"

She whined, I just laughed and kissed her again.


We had been home for a couple of days now and I know Ashley was still adjusting to my house.

"Uh, babe I need to pee really bad and I forgot where the bathroom is!"

She whined, standing there cross legged (On Andrew's bed. SORRY HAD TO XD)


I purposely took my time to think of what to say because she was soooo cute when she was whining like that.

"Baby, please!"

"Hehe, sorry! Its down the hall to your left!"

I told her where the one downstairs was so she didn't have to walk upstairs and accidentally pee herself. Then I heard a knock on the door and I was about to grab it before Ashley did, she was waiting for some new merchandise she never told me about and she thought it was the mailman but when she opened the door she was confused to see a child and a woman standing there.

"Uh, hello can I help you?"

"Uh, yes! Does Patrick Stump still live here?"

She asked.

"Uh, Yes c-come on in!"

I then got off the couch and saw my son gazing into my girlfriends eyes which made me laugh at him.

"Declan? Eliza? What are you doing here?"

They were supposed to come in two days but they were here early!


My son ran into my arms and I picked him up and had him on my hip.

"Uh, Declan wanted to come now. Uh, im Eliza, Patrick's ex wife, and you are?"

She said giving her hand to Ashley to shake.

"I am Ashley, Patrick's girlfriend! It is so nice to meet you!"

She said sounding happy but I know she wanted to punch her of what she did to me. I then took my son and placed him on the couch were I was.

"Uh, I am so sorry but I really need to use the bathroom I will be right back!"

She said going back to the bathroom. Eliza walked and sat on the couch next to Declan.

"She's nice!"

"Yeah, looks like Dec really likes her too."

We laughed for a while and then she gave him another hug and said goodbye then left.


"Yes son?"

"W-who is the pretty lady who was here?"

He was talking about Ashley, I just laughed and told him she was my girlfriend.

"Uh where did Eliza go?"

"Oh, hey babe! She left but this is my son. Declan this is Ashley, Ashley this is Declan!"

"Hey buddy, so nice to meet you!"

We then all went out for ice cream, Ashley holding my hand and Declan holding my other hand. We then went to the beach with Joe and Marie and Ruby and Pete and knox and Saint.

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