Why Hello Cutie ;)

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I was getting ready for my girlfriends birthday dinner we were going to have here, I walked out of my walk-in wardrobe while fixing up my tie and fedora, I checked my phone and saw she had messaged me.

"Babe: See ya in 10 baby X"

I had to finish off boiling my potatoes so I had to delay it a little.

"Me: Make it 30"

I then turned on my ceiling fan like always then walked into our shared bathroom, I had my comb on the counter so I quickly combed what was visible of my hair in the mirror then I walked into the kitchen and started to stir my potato sauce I was making then I placed a white icing covered cake on the table with dollops of whipped cream and strawberries and in the middle it said in red royal icing pen 'Happy Birthday Baby' I then placed some silverware on the mats then got the salad bowl and salt and pepper and steak and then I realized that the cake is probably going to melt so i put it back into the fridge and carry on boiling my potatoes and my spaghetti bolognese then I heard a *DING DONG* at my door so I put down the wooden spoon and went to open the door. There she was, her blond short straight hair, her black crop top and leather jacket over top and her green-ish sparkly skinny jeans with her doc boots. I loved her so much, she then smirked at me and wrapped her arms around my neck and we kissed as we moved into the kitchen then she pushed me over the counter and kissed my neck, I then led her into the lounge where I pushed her into my green couch and she took off her leather jacket and I took off my tie and fedora. After a while of making out I realized my potatoes were almost done so we got up and I pulled out a seat for her to sit in then I put her jacket over the back of the chair then I walked into the kitchen and walked out with everything.

"Spaghetti bolognese with a side of potato salad and steak, mayo, salt and pepper for my birthday girl!"

I said putting her full plate in front of her with one hand and in the other a glass and over my arm was a white paper towel like I was a waiter, inside the glass was some Grey Goose because I know she loves it.

"Awww, babe you shouldn't have honestly everything is perfect thank you so so so much and the delay, oh god thank you for that because I was not ready so yeah thank you Patrick!"

"Anything for the best!"

We kept on rambling on how our day went and then we finished our dinner and i got up and kissed her cheek before heading back into the kitchen for dessert.


I raise my voice with a very posh accent and that made her laugh, I placed the cake in front of her and the other desserts around the cake. We had dessert and then we both agreed we were both full so then we went back into our shared bedroom and make out for a while before falling asleep.


I heard her whisper on my shoulder.

"Yes birthday girl?"

"Thank you so much for tonight, it must have taken you hours to set everything up just for me."

"To be honest it did take hours but it was definitely worth it and I would do it again and again just for you Ashley, I love you!"

"I love you too babe, goodnight!"


Patrick Stump ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now