Stressed Out

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I trudge into my house and sling my purse on the floor then collapsing on to the couch where Patrick my boyfriend of three weeks was sitting.

"Hey, Love! You dont look good, you alright?"

He asked, I looked at him with "No Duh" eyes and that made Patrick sigh.

"Ashley, Honey! What's wrong cupcake?"

"Ugh, 'Trick! Im fucken Streesed out! Cant you tell? Now im going to bed!"

I said as I tried to get up then was pulled back down by Patrick as he chuckled and moved my hair behind my ear.

"Ah-ah! Honey, you are not going anywhere without telling me what happened!"

I then looked at him, a small smirk creped across my my face as I then buried my head into the crook of his neck.

"Work is a fucken hell!"

I mumbled into his neck making him shiver a bit.

"Mhm? Carry On!"

It seemed like he really wanted to know so I told him.

"My boss expects me to write twelve pages for Friday and its Wednesday and tomorrow is my only day off and I have to work so I can get these stupid fucken pages in on time!"

I said almost about to cry, I got up and grabbed my computer bag and went upstairs, into some comfy pjs and under the duvet on our shared bed I sat with the screen up on full brightness but on Night Light mode so if Patrick wanted to come to bed he would be able to sleep well.


I heard footsteps and then the door creaked open. I knew it was him but I didn't move even a little from what I was doing, I felt one side of the bed dip and then Patrick in his blue batman pj pants and no top surprisingly, He moved closer to me and started to massage my shoulders before I got tense again.

"Hey!, Honey calm down! Your very tense calm down. Put your laptop down and lay down with me please!"

"Patrick I am very very busy! Im sorry I cant do that!"

I had almost finished before Patrick took my computer out of my hands and over to his bedside table, I looked at him confused and mad that he did that but then I went to grab it and he pulled me back and pushed me into the bed and tucked me down, kissing my temple he made me calm down a little but not much to make me not Stressed Out, I then sighed and rolled over so Patrick could spoon me. I then woke up in the middle of the night feeling tense again so I leaned over Patrick who looked like he was fast asleep but I dont know cause it was so so so dark. I went to grab my computer but I was pulled back by Patrick, guess he wasn't asleep, I then started to whine and huff.

"Baby! Please go to sleep, you have all of tomorrow to finish these pages off and if you need I can go out for a while so I dont distract you? But please not now its almost morning, just cuddle with me?!"

I then smiled and laughed then kissed him on the lips and cuddled him all the night. Now that's what you call love, when your loved one makes you calm and not Stressed Out anymore!

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