you are so fucking hot Patrick

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Declan's POV

I was getting ready for another day at school but then I heard my dad and mom talking about my pet cat so I quickly shoved it into my bag to take it to school cause I was NOT going to let my dad eat the cat what sort of man does that.


"Hello Declan. Didn't your mommy drop you off today?"

"No Mrs. Um can you please put this somewhere safe?"

I asked my teacher. I handed her my school bag and she opened it to see my cat in my bag.

"W-w-what? Why did you bring your cat to school Declan?"

She asked putting it in a box, getting food and water for it and some blankets.

"I heard my parents talking while I was getting ready for school and my dad said "Im gonna eat that pussy later" and I didn't want him to eat my pussy cat so I brought him with me."

My teacher was now looking at me with very wide eyes and she laughed a little.

Patrick's POV

"Hello Mrs. Grace...... Yes I sure can pick Declan up....... Is everything Alright?......... oh- wait what? He bought the cat to school?........ Alright thank you I'll be there in 10"

I hung up the phone. Why in the world would my son take the cat to his school and how did Ashley nor me not know?

"Babe what's up? Is Declan Alright?"

Ashley asks. I just look at her puzzled and then she get up and out of bed to sit beside me. She had chucked in one of my shirts and put her hands on my shoulders.

"Declan took Jaffer to school. Did you know? It has been a bit quiet with out him. But why?"

I say the last party a little quietly, talking to myself. Ashley then kisses my lips and walks into our bathroom to get ready.

"I'm coming with you. I don't care what you say I'm coming!"

I just chuckle to myself and put on a pair of dress pants and a suit and tie, like usual. Ashley then comes out in her work outfit. We both dress up like we have been at work so no-one gets suspicious or what not. "God dam she a hot slut" I think to myself. Yes she used to be a stripper when we first me but she acts like a stripper in bed when Declan's not here.

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