Im sorry, I promise!

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I was sitting on the couch waiting for my husband to come home, he was always late so I wasn't worried but this is insane he is never ever home this late and he hasn't even picked up any of my calls. "What if he is cheating on me? No. He would never. He loves me far too much!" I tell myself then out of nowhere I heard the front door slam and I looked over to see my husband looking unhappy.

"'Trick? What happened?"

I asked as I slowly walked towards him, he took off his fedora and sat it down on the counter. I then went to hug him and then he just pushed me away.

"Dont fucken touch me woman!"

He yelled, I was heartbroken because this was very new to me and he had never yelled at me like this before nor called me woman in that way, he smelt like alcohol and he had a different body spray smell, it didn't smell like a different lady's perfume but it didn't smell like something he would wear.

"Babe! Please tell me what happened, did you and Pete have another fight today?"

He didn't say anything but he gave me a stare that I had never seen or liked, I then went to calm him down but before I got to him he started yelling at me.

"What the fuck do you not get when I say don't touch me. You stupid BITCH!"

There it was, he just called me a bitch I went back and sat on the couch trying not to cry.

"Where were you? Probably fucking other women right?"

I asked. He then shot his head at me.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?"

"You heard me loud and fucken clear now answer me!"

"NO! I was at work and then I went to get drunk and the only woman I'd ever want to fuck is you but your being such a bitch what the fuck?"

"D- do you mean it? I'm the only one? And no fuck you actually your the one being the total bitch!"

I yelled in his face but then he slapped my face really hard and I put my hand over my cheek and cup it. His eyes relaxed and he then had tears in his eyes.

"Shit, baby I am so sorry. I didn't mean t-"

I just backed away from him and ran up the stairs into our room that we shared and I locked it and tried to sleep on our bed but all I could hear was Patrick crying and apologizing but I didn't want anything to do with him tonight.


I woke up with a really saw back, probably the was I slept wasn't that good but I just ignored it and opened the door then I saw Patrick quickly open his eyes. He was tucked in a ball and his eyes all red and puffy from crying he then stood up and hugged me tightly.

"Babe, I- I am so sorry!"

He then cupped my face and looked at the red mark on my cheek and kissed it.

"Baby, I am so sorry I promise, I was- I was just drunk and I know that is one of the worst excuses but babe I will never EVER do that again, I just had a really rough day and next time or everytime I come home in that mess I will lock myself in my studio and not come out until I feel better so I dont take it out on you-"

Before he could carry on talking I quickly kissed him and hugged him tightly back.

"W-what? I dont deserve that!"

He said as he pulled back looking ashamed.

"I know you didn't mean to baby but that doesn't mean I dont love you anymore, I forgive you but promise me you will never do it again? Please?"

He then got out his pinky and I laughed and got mine out.

"Pinky promise!"

He said as our pinkies hooked together, then was a silence that I thought was really hot and I wanted Patrick more than anything right at this moment but I was scared he was still mad at me.

"Uh Patrick I really-"

He knew I wanted him, he gave me a evil sexy smirk, I could feel sweat dripping from my forehead then I saw his reaction change into a concerned look.

"Baby? Are you ok? Are you still mad at me?"

"'Trick of course not, I just love you so much and I need your body but I was scared you would still be mad at m-"

He interupted my last word with his lips crashing to mine, he had gotten a call from his record label but he said he couldn't make it because he wanted me and I wanted him so badly then we made up and out then we both fell asleep very happy!

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