Pete's Little Sister.

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"Ash? Ashley! Are you awake?"

I heard my older brother Pete banging on my door as I was just waking up.

"I am now, Pete! What the fuck do you want?"

I said as he came in and I chucked a pillow at him and yelled.


He only laughed at me and was about to walk out before he spoke.

"Oh by the way the band is coming in like 20 minutes just so you know."

He winked at me cause he knows something I don't know.

"Ok? What was that wink?"

Before he could reply he walked out and ran downstairs. OMG I just realized that Patrick will be coming over and I love him so much. I have had the fattest crush on him since I first met them when he had sideburns and a really bad haircut, but I loved him just the way he was but now he has no sideburns and he wears a cute fedora and, well his whole appearance has changed. I then heard them arrive downstairs but I stayed in my bed for a little while longer. Then, not bothering to get changed out of my bra, undies and long pj top that used to be Pete's but I stole it or I didn't even bother to fix my hair. I just put my glasses on so I could see and I went downstairs and into the kitchen not even looking at the boys in the lounge.

Patrick's POV

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and a woman's yawn. I then saw Ashley, Pete's little sister and forever my crush walk past us and into the kitchen. She didn't even look at us but she was on her pjs and she looked so hot. "OMG her boobs are big" I thought to myself.

"Is that Ashley? My god she has grown up a lot. Wow she sure is comfortable in her own home isn't she Pete."

I said as everyoneelse was talking about music.

"She's finally single."

Pete whispered to me with a wink. OMG she us finally single. I never liked her ex boyfriend anyways but I really love her but I don't want to say because maybe she isn't healing from her break up. Them we all heard crying coming from the kitchen.

"Ashley? Ash. Are you alright?"

I asked as I ran into the kitchen with Pete.

"This is fucked up. He cheated on me and now he wants me back? Pete what do I do?"

She cried into his chest and Pete looked at me the pulled Ashley away from him.

"Hey guys. I think we should leave. Maybe we could come back later? See ya Ash!"

They all have her a hug and Pete told me he was going to find out what's going on with her ex boyfriend and he wants me to stay with Ashley. Ashley then ran into her room and cried onto her bed. I then knocked on her door."

"Ashley? Can I please come in?"

I then saw her come and let me in, we talked for a while and she understood about my

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