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"Ms. Howell, you have got a band that you have to interview called Fall Out Boy and they are waiting in the lounge for you so hurry up please!"

My boss said. I then freaked out about seeing Patrick again but then I took a deep breath and walked into the room.

"Hello, my name is Ashley and I will be your interviewer for today!"

I say as I shake hands with everyone and sit on the one person sofa beside all 4 of them sitting together. Then we started recording.

"Hello my name is Ashley and today I am interviewing the amazing one and only Fall Out Boy. Now would you all like to introduce yourself?"

"Hi I am Joe, the lead bassist in the band Fall Out Boy!"

"Hi Im Pete and I am just the 2nd bassist in Fall Out Boy!"

"Hi Im Patrick, the lead singer in the band Fall Out Boy!"

"Hi Im Andy, the drummer in the band Fall Out Boy!"

They all wave and smile at the camera.

"Now Pete, how would you describe the band?"

I ask.

"Well I would describe it as kinda punk rock I guess?"

"Right amazing answer and Patrick? How would you describe your band?"

"Well I definitely wouldn't describe it as emo but I have to admit some songs are kinda emo."

He laughs then I ask Joe and Andy the same question and they say similar things that Pete and Patrick said. I then asked them a ton more questions and then I suggested we play a little game.

"Right, this game is called guess that fob song only with emojis! So I have pieces of paper with emojis that describe the titles of a fall out boy song. Ready to give it a go?"

They all nod and I get the first one out.

"Right so this first one has an american football and 2 hands and a guy! If you think you know it press the buzzer in front of you."

Instantly Patrick pushes the buzzer.

"Is it What a catch, Donnie?"

"Ding, ding, ding! One point to Stump!"

I really tried so hard not to break down in front of them but there were times when I felt like I was going to cry or slap Patrick. To get that out of my mind a little we carried on with the game and they all tied.

"Well this has been amazing to see all of you and thank you so much for coming in today! If you haven't already checked out there new album please do you will not regret it! It is called?"

I let them finish and say what the new album is called.

"It is called American Beauty / American Psycho!"

"Ok thanks again fall out boy!"

Then the camera men turn it off and I get up because I feel like I need to go let out a cry.

"Excuse me gentlemen I will be right back!"

I say standing up already with tears in my eyes, I then notice Patrick stare at me from the moment I stood up to the moment I walked out the door.

"Yo, Patrick you all good?"

Andy asks. Patrick then excuses himself and finds me crying in the bathroom.

"Ashley? A-are you alright?"

I then wipe my tears away and take a deep breath.

"Patrick, you know when my boss told me i was interviewing all of you on such a short notice I got really scared to see you again? And there even was parts when I would fight back my tears because of you! I cant believe you!"

I say pushing his chest and letting my anger out on him. He then held my arms then pulled me in for a hug.

"Shhhh, its ok! Ashley I am so sorry! After I left I couldn't bring myself to call except to call it quits because I knew you were so mad at me I didn't want you to explode and do anything bad, but know I see you again and how brave you are makes me think back to when we were so happy together and i would do anything to be part of your life again, truth is I still love you Ashley-Rose!"

I then pulled away and shook my head.

"No! No you dont! You wouldn't have left me all alone to make one difficult decision like that if you still loved me!"

"What? W-what are you talking about?"

"Before you walked out that door I was about to tell you the great news of me being pregnant but then you just made my life a living hell and maybe just maybe I thought if I got rid of the baby everything would go back to normal! But for you Patrick for you I got the abortion to make us happy again but I never heard from you till now."

He then looked at me ashamed and looked like he was really sorry, I couldn't stand to see his face anymore so I just walked away and went to sit back into the lounge because I had to be in there with the band so I just went on my phone.

"Is everything alright?"

Pete asked me, he placed his hand on top of mine and looked very concerned.

"Im fine!"

I croaked out before a red puffy eyed Patrick walked into the room.

"Are you ok Patrick? I haven't seen you this upset since you broke up with your girlfriend? Anyway who was it?"

Joe asked. Did they not know we dated? Oh god this is so awkward.


I didn't even look up from my phone but I knew he was talking all about me.

"We dated it was me and Ashley and then I made her make the hardest decision in her life."

"What are you talking about?"

Andy asked Patrick. I then spoke up.

"Patrick and I dated and then he got me pregnant and right before I was about to tell him the great news he walked out on me and I loved him so much that i got the abortion just so maybe just maybe we could be happy again but that was the last time I ever heard from him until this day."

"Oh. My. Gosh!"

They all gasped.

"But you know what? I am perfectly fine without him, I was the best to him and he just used me and know I am amazing, him out of my life and me and my boyfriend are very happy together!"

"Y-you have a new boyfriend?"

Patrick asks.

"Yip and that's me!"

My boyfriend walked into the room because he was coming to pick me up.


Everyone greets him and Pete and Brendon talk and then he pulls my arm telling me its time to go.

"Ceya, Joe, Pete, Andy and Patrick have a good life."

I said whilst walking out with Brendon's hand in mine, I knew that Patrick was destroyed but I am happy now and without him mine and Brendon's life has been amazing.

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