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When he gets back from Tour!

@ patrickstump; Oh my gosh! I just got home from tour to see my Fiance asleep on the couch, I think she was trying to stay up and wait for me, Awww #Amazing Fiance! #Verry Beautiful!

@ petewentz; Awww, Photo?

@ mytwitteraccname; Dont you even think about it Stump!


When he is "annoyed" at me!

@ patrickstump; OMG! Someone take me away from this ball of cuteness! I love her so so so much but she wont stop making bad puns and bad dad jokes Ughhhhh! :I

@ petewentz; Oooo! I volunteer as tribute! I would love to see you annoyed Stumpy Wumpy! XD

@ mytwitteraccname; Oh come on! There not that bad! You should see Pat trying to make puns or dad jokes, He is the worst! XP

@ patrickstump; DON'T CALL ME PAT!, JUST BECAUSE YOUR MY FIANCE DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHTS TO DO THAT! :I. P.S mine are wayyyyyyy better than yours girly!

Soz It was so short lol!

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