Cross Legged on Andrew's bed

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I woke up in the middle of the night to an empty queen sized bed because I had a really bad dream and it was about my favourite person in the world, my boyfriend Patrick Stump left me for another woman and I killed myself because of it. I got my cell phone and called Patrick, his number was at the very top of my contacts and his name was under Baby.

"Ashley? Whats wrong? Why are you calling me at this time of night?"


I cried and he sounded worried.

"Baby! Im coming over right now!"

He hung up so he didn't waste time getting to my apartment. I heard a loud knock on my door and when I wen to open it Patrick barged in almost tackling me over, placing kisses all over my face as he stopped when he saw I had been crying.

"Mi amor please tell me what is troubling you?"


I sighed in embarrassment.

"You love me right? Like you would never ever even think of cheating on me or leaving me right?"

He looked at me like I was insane and then he just held me tightly and kissed my forehead.

"Oh Ash I would never ever ever even think about that. Come on let's get you relaxing on the couch! You want a coffee or anything?"

"No! I just want you to carry me to bed and sleep with me so Im not scared."

I said raising my voice. Patrick then hovered over me on the couch and I grabbed his face and kissed him for a while before he picked me up and carried me to my bedroom where we made out until we just laid there. I had my head on his chest and he was patting my hair and kissing the top of my head.

"I love you so so so much Mi amor!"

"I love you too 'Trick!"

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