Bang bang, kiss kiss

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Me and my boyfriend who is very abusive towards me and I think he is also cheating on me because of the perfume and hickeys that he comes home with and are not mine and I keep telling myself that I need to break up with him but I am far too scared, We are invited to a high school reunion with all our old friends.

"Max please come on we are going to be late honey!"

"Ughh Fuck you then Im not going!"

I then basically bribed him and begged him to come. He got up and left a huge red mark on my cheek then got in the car, I didn't have enough time to put makeup on so I tried so hard to hide the hand mark on my face. When we pulled up to the school hall we saw some teachers and the princable at the door.

"Miss Ashley! Nice to see you again please come on in!"

The teachers said as well as the headmistress. I then saw my best friend that I hadn't seen since I left high school.



We hugged and then he looked at me concerned of why I had a bandage on my wrist and a red face but then he just shook his head so it would get out of his mind. We talked for a while and ate food before I introduced my boyfriend to everyone.

"Oh everyone this is Max! Max this is Patrick, Peter, Joseph, Andrew and Maegan who is Peter's girlfriend and yeah Max here is my boyfriend!"

"Nice to meet you all"

Max said sounding like he was trying to sound happy to be here but everyone knew he didn't want to be here. Everyone else said hi and then Patrick asked if I could talk to him in privet.

"Ash uhh can I please talk to you over by the drinks?"

"Max? Can I go talk to Patrick over there?"

"Fine but be fast I have to go home!"

I nodded and Patrick took my hand, Max saw the way he pulled me over.

"Hey uhh are you ok?"

"Yeah Im fine are you ok?"

"Ash what happened to your wrist and face I have been staring at you sorry but I have been looking at you concerned because of your health and what's up with Max?"

I just sighed and turned back to see that Max was standing there angrily waiting.

"Ashley hurry up we're going to be late!"

Max yelled and I told Patrick not to worry about me and I told him I had to go so I quickly said goodbye to everyone.

"What the fuck Ash?"

Max said as I was driving.


I asked looking back at him.

"Who does he think he is holding your hand like that!"

"Wait what? Patrick? you dont like him?"

"Of course I dont fucking like that fat nerd, Ash you haven't told anyone about us have you?"

He looked at me like he was going to kill me of my answer.

"No of course not Max!"


I was in a wheelchair because I have two broken ankles from Max of course but I have to lie to everyone even the Dr's so he doesn't get into trouble. I got a phone call from an unknown number so I picked it up quietly, saying hello like I had been crying.

"H- hello? Ashley Howell speaking!"

"Ash? Its Patrick uhh are you ok?"

"Oh hah yeah Im fine just got my casts on hah!"

"Uhh Ash? You're obviously not fine what do you mean casts?"

"Oh hah well I broke both my ankles and, Oh shit sorry 'Trick I have to go Max is back!"

I said sounding terrified.

"Wait did you just call me 'Trick?"

"No I called you Patrick you probably didn't hear the 'Pa' in Patrick lol ok Shit Patrick I am sorry I really have to go before my boyfriend gets mad."

"Hey! Can I call you later maybe I could come over?"

"Uhh I will see!"

Before I could say anything else I hanged up and pretended I was cleaning the kitchen.

"Who was that?"

"What? Oh hey hun! How was work?"

"Dont fuck with me Ashley! Who were you talking to on the phone?"

Max said as he went to collect my phone and check my contacts. He looked back at me like I was really in for a hiding when he saw I had been talking to Patrick!"

"Fatty Mcfatterson huh?"

"Uhh what? Max your scaring me are you ok?"

He then punched my elbow and slammed the front door shut as he locked it from the outside and took my phone with him, leaving me in the kitchen with no windows only one locked door as I could not reach for the cabinets because of the wheelchair and I was very small. I just sat there crying and trying to get out before I felt very sleepy and fell asleep in the uncomfortable wheelchair. Then I heard a Knock at the door and I told them to go away, I was in so much pain and I was bursting with tears but then they unlocked the door and saw me on the floor with casts on my ankles.

"Ashley! What- what happened?"

"Pa-Patrick? What no you cant be here he will come back and find you and hurt you t-"

Before I could finish my sentence he placed his warm lips on mine. I pulled away in shock.

"Pa- Patrick what what? what was that for?"

"Im sorry Ashley but I dont think you should be with that Max man he does things to you that I would NEVER ever think of even doing to you, please come with me I can make it all better Please let me help you."


I had left Max without him knowing so I guess I am basically a cheater? I mean I left a note saying I dont love you anymore and what you have done to me is not ok and I have gone but like I dont regret making out with Patrick last night. I felt free from Max, free from the casts and bruises but I could never forget what he put me through. I was sitting on mine and Patrick's shared bed just staring at nothing and thinking about nothing.

"Ash? You ok? Oh god your crying, Please tell me whats wrong?!"

"Patrick why did you kiss me that night when you found me on the ground?"

He looked at me like he was offended but then he spoke up.


He said as he sat on the end of the bed really close to me wrapping his arms around my waist.

"To be completely honest when I saw you at the high school reunion you did not look happy to be there with Max and ever since then I have deeply fallen in love with you Ash and I kissed you because I love you more than anything. Remember when I was terrified of you when we started dating back in high school and when we tried to have sex I would always freak out? Hah wow I was such a coward I mean you could have taught me such naughty things Ashley."

I laughed at that and placed a kiss to his warm precious lips making him kiss me back until we were interrupted by Pete and Joe walking in seeing us almost completely naked. Patrick was on top of me under the duvet at this stage but his back was showing as the duvet fell down. He covered me by collapsing on top of me making me sigh and grunt in pain of his weight.

"Oh shit! No baby making on this bus you two!"

They both said as they quickly went out of the room and shut the door behind them. We both just sighed because we couldn't be alone for more than a minute it feels like before someone comes in.

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