New Girl Nerd (part 2)

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I was walking down the corridor with Patrick beside me, many people were giving us looks and some girls and guys were smirking at Patrick. I then spoke.

"So Patrick, uhhh, does this mean we are friends? Cause I really would like a friend. I mean I know I only started today but like-"

Then he cut me off and laughed whilst looking down at his shoes and his hands in his pockets.

"Of course! I would love you to be my friend and maybe just maybe the others will also like you and want to be your friend too!"

I then smiled and walked with him. OMG he is so so so so so so hotttttttt AHHHHHHHHH. He then stopped walking and put one hand on my back and with the other he put out his hand gesturing me to sit down, so I did, I sat down and Patrick sat right next to me, a little too close, but he probably had a lot of friends so he needed to make room for all of them.

"Hey Patrick, who's the girl? Your girlfriend?"

Pete sang, I then blushed so deeply and saw Patrick looking annoyed at him. Then along came Joe and Andy but with Joe was a girl, maybe his girlfriend? Or sister? Who knows.

"H-hi! I am Ashley, today is my first day here and no I am not Patrick's girlfriend I am his friend and you sir are Pete Wentz, Joe Trohman and Andy Hurley. To be specific you are Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz iii and you are Joseph Mark Trohman and you are Andrew John Hurley and then last but not least, Patrick Martin Vaughn Stumph!"

I know I can talk forever but I want to impress these people so they will be my friends.

"Wow! I dont think a lot of people know that! Welp, its nice to meet you Ashley.... Ashley...."

Joe said wanting my last name. I didn't realize that I was staring into Patrick's eyes and he was doing the same, then Patrick finished his sentence.

"Ashley Howell, that's her last name and it is a beautiful name to fit a beautiful girl like you!"

Patrick said as he kept staring into my eyes, I had gone back to looking at my food playing with it because I was feeling a little awkward.

"Oh, Patrick this is my friend Ella and she heard about your break up so she came by, she told me she wanted to talk to you in private."

Joe said, Patrick then smiled at me then at Ella, he then got up and walked towards her and told her to follow him. Oh shit! My future with Patrick is ruined, well it never really started but I could feel a connection between us for a moment. I was left with the 3 boys and they were talking to each other.

"Hey, I know you like him, I can tell by the way you two were staring at each other and I think he likes you too!"

Pete said, I just smiled and then I looked over Joe's shoulder to see Patrick pulling away from a kiss with Ella, he didn't like her, he then ran back over to us.

"Joe your friend is fucken crazy! She kissed me and I did not like it!"

He yelled, I then got my tray and got up.

"Well, thanks for the invite to sit with you Patrick but I think I should go have a look for some friends who wouldn't leave me to sit with their awkward friends and ruin that connection we just had. Nice meeting you guys by the way."

I then got out of my chair and started to walk away before I was pulled back by Patrick and then he smashed his lips into mine, I didn't pull away I wanted this to happen for ever. The kiss got deeper and more heated then we got pulled away by the headmistress.

"Mr. Stump and our newest student Ms. Howell what a surprise. I will see both of you in my office right now please!"

She said with a tint of anger in her voice, I then looked at Patrick who then put his hand in mine and I then smiled and placed mine in his in return. Everyone was looking at us and I just looked very embarrassed. I walked to the headmistress and followed her on the other side of her so I wasn't next to Patrick. Then we got to her office and she gave us a warning.


Patrick's POV

Me and the band were going over to our best friend Josh's house to practice, he didn't want to be in our band cause he has no time but he sure loves it when we come over and practice. I then knocked on the door with Andy, Joe and Pete by my side but something made me want to go home, I couldn't stop thinking about Ashley and I wanted to think of her more but I couldn't around other people.

"I'll get it!"

I heard someone yell.

"No its my friends you stay away!"

I heard Josh, wow he must be mad at something.

"Hey guys come on in, sorry my sister is here so wanna go up to my room?"

We then smiled and walked inside. Then what caught my eye was her it was Ashley, I didn't say anything but then I saw her get up and go into the kitchen. She went to the fridge and opened it then bent over to get something and I was kinda being a creep and staring at her ass. MY GOD SHE WAS HOT! I then looked back to the others and followed them. We started to jam out in his room then we went down for some lunch.

"Josh, Patrick, Pete, Andy, Joe, Ashley lunch is ready!"

I heard their mother yell from downstairs. as Josh opened the door Ashley also opened her door and she saw me.

"Hey mom?"

She asked.

"What, dont you like chicken wraps?"

Her mother smiled at her.

"No its not that thank you for this but can I please sit at the couch while Josh and his friends sit at the table?"

I then saw her mother nod and Ashley walked to the sofa, I wish she would sit at the table maybe next to me?"

"Hey Ashley!"

Pete waved his hand at her with a mouth full of wrap.

"Hey, Pete!"

"Wanna come sit by us?"

He asked, Josh then smirked a evil smirk and told Ashley to come in the living room.

"Hi Joe, Andy, Pete and Patrick!"

She said sitting down next to me. YESSSS!

"I didn't know you were Josh's little sister!"

I said as I placed a hand on her knee, she smiled and laughed.

"Yeah well I am, can I just tell you that kiss was amazing today!"

Josh then spat out his soda and his eyes went wide.

"What did you say Ashley-Rose?"

I then looked at her confused, Ashley-Rose?"

"Yeah, well Patrick kissed me today and I loved it!"

"Oh, well congrats! Patrick if you ever hurt my little sister I will kill you!"

He then laughed and I laughed, we all laughed.

"So what does that make us Ashley-Rose?"

I whispered into her ear.

"I guess since I love you and I hope you love me maybe girlfriend and boyfriend?"

She replied.

"Hey, you do realize she has a bedroom for that shit if you wanna go have sex then do it in there not down here?"

Josh laughed then we heard someone knock on the door.

"I'll get it babe!"

She said, that made my heart swell and burst she just called me babe omg im freaking out.

"Ella? What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in so long!"

"Well I just wanted to come see my best friend! How are you girl!"

I heard them talking in the little sunroom by the front door. OMG my ex girlfriend is here.

"Well I have a boyfriend!"

She said.


I heard them laugh and then they both came into the room.

"Ella, you know Josh. This is Andy, Joe, Pete and my lovely boyfriend Patrick!".......................... To.................Be.....................continued...........................

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