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I was finishing my last drink. I probably had 2 or 3 drinks, On the other hand! Patrick was not finished and he had like 4 already, As the lady I was I did the most responsible thing and I took him home. Once I finally got him into the Taxi Cab he would not even look at me, I think he was mad that I didn't let him finish his last beer.

"Patrick! Im sorry but you could have started a fight or done something really bad like.... Uhh..... I dunno? But you cant be mad at me forever Stump!"

He then moved closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Your right baby, Im sorry! I also want to thank you!"

"Thank me? Oh honey no I was just doing the responsible thing any adult would do to their Fiance! You really dont need to thank me babe!"

"No! Ash! I Do!"

He said looking at me with wide eyes and pointing at me almost falling off of the seat, Thank god for seatbelts am I right? We then got out of the Taxi Cab and I paid the driver and apologised for Patrick's behaviour. I then walked into the bathroom that was connected to our bedroom we shared witch was the master bedroom, I was taking out my hair clips and washing my makeup off well what was left of my makeup then I heard banging on the bathroom door, Patrick was banging his head on the door.

"Baby! What are you doing?"

I asked laughing at myself in the mirror.

"I want to come innnnnn! Please?"

He asked sighing at the door.

"Hmm, Well I do need help unzipping my dress-"

Before I could finish my sentence I heard the door bust open and Patrick came over to me, moving my hair over my shoulder just so he could get better access to the zipper on my black cocktail dress.

"Pa, Patrick!"

I said in between laughs as he was eager to get me undressed. He started to kiss my shoulders once he kicked the dress to the side.

"Patrick! Stop! Your drunk!"

"Mhm! And what's wrong with being a little Tipsy my love?"

He said as he moved his hands up and down my thighs. He was very drunk but he never was angry or sad when he was drunk even if he had gotten drunk because of our arguments or something bad like that, he would always go to a bar either with Pete and Andy or on his own just to cool down and come back home fully drunk and happy as a child. I then moved around wrapping my arms around his neck and staring into his beautiful ocean eyes.


I sighed looking back down at my almost naked body. He then picked my chin up with his middle finger and index finger so I was looking at him.

"Yes sexy?"

He said with a giant smirk on his face searching up and down my body as if he was looking for something. He then stared at one spot of my body for a really long time, biting his bottom lip and slowly nodding to himself. I then shook my head and laughed at him.

"No!, Patrick Martin Stump!, Dont you deer even think about it! I know what is going through that drunk little dirty mind of yours and I am NOT getting undressed! Not tonight honey!"

I said while he pouted his bottom lip out making me laugh, I then got out of the way so I could  go back into our room and get into bed. Patrick then rolled his eyes and took his Fedora off and frisbee threw it to me then he quickly placed his glasses in there case then took off his FOB jacket because before we went to the bar they had a show in town close to the Chicago bar. He then took off his T-shirt and Jeans leaving him in his boxes, he then came and cuddled up to me under the covers.

"Thank you!"

I said as he kissed my forehead.

"What for Sugar?"

"For the show tonight! It was amazing and to have you back in Chicago well back home with me made me feel so much better and for helping me with my dress I guess."

I giggled and then kissed his chest that my head was resting on.


He said as if I had fallen asleep or something.


I said cheesley and then in return he playfully pinch my ass witch made me jump a little.

"Dont call me Pat! God dammit!"

He laughed and then started to sing to me. He was still way too drunk to sing properly but he quietly sang me Lullaby.

"Honey is for bees Silly bear!"

"Mhm! Please carry on while I fall asleep."

I said as I turned around to face him and my body very close to his as he leaned his head on top of mine, kissing my head he carried on.

Patrick Stump ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now