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I was laying in my boyfriend, Patrick's  lap and it was very dark.

"Hey babe, what do you feel like doing right now?"

He asked me. I then thought for a second.

"I heard there is a cool new Netflix series out called The Umbrella Academy. Can we watch it please?"

I asked with puppy dog eyes.

"I suppose so..... stay here. I'll go get my laptop."

He gets up and plops his phone down beside me and goes to our bedroom. His phone starts singing a familiar song. Oh his phone is ringing and his ring tone is my cover of Alone Together by Fall Out Boy? Oh wow I didn't know that. Sam? Who the fuck is Sam? I decided to pick it up.

"Hello this is Patrick Stumps girlfriend sorry he is unavailable right now please call again later thank you bye."

And with that I hung up the phone and plopped it back so he wouldn't get suspicious. Then Patrick came back with his laptop and some popcorn, 2 glasses of Champaign. He also had some chocolate that I snatched out if his hand while giggling. He just laughed at me and put down everything before plugging in the computer to the tv. He then picked me up, sat down and placed me in his lap once more. Half way through the film he got another phone call. He looked at it, sighed and got up. I then paused the film and stood up to see what was happening. He just Looked at me with guilt in his eyes and he mouthed the word sorry and left the room but little did he know I was standing right outside the bedroom door listening.

"Ugh. Pete I'm kinda busy right now so be quick please."

"Oh ok. Umm oh don't worry I can sort it out myself sorry for disturbing you guys. Getting it on there are you pattycakes?"

I just laughed to myself because Pete thought we were really having sex at this time of night? Wow.

"Ugh, yeah defiantly gotta go Wentz see ya tomorrow."

Before he hung up I ran back into the lounge and sat down like nothing happened.

"Who was that babe?"

Then he laughed at himself and I hopped back onto him.

"I love you Ash."

I just hummed because I had Champaign in my mouth. I then kissed him and spat out the liquid into his mouth. He smiled and grabbed my ass making me jump. We then stopped the film and he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. We moved this make out session to the bedroom where we had a great time.

"Goodnight, Princess."

"Goodnight Pattycakes."

He then reached over and smacked my naked ass laughing. I then placed a kiss to his forehead and he then smirked and pulled me in closer to his naked body. We then fell asleep in a happy safe mood.

Patrick Stump ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now