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I was walking down the hall to my music class with my best friend, her and I both have the fattest crush on our music teacher Mr. Stump but she had ran off to class so she wasn't late, me on the other hand I was still taking my time then when I got in I didn't realize that he was in class as I quickly took my seat.

"Ms. Howell, your late!"

"I am so sorry, I was just getting a quick drink before singing today because I knew you wouldn't let me get one in the middle of class."

"Hmm, very well then. Everyone please I want you to walk around the classroom and do some vocal exercises while I finish my mug of lemon green tea."

We all did that but then I couldn't stop staring at him he was wearing tight dress pants that showed his ass nicely, I almost fainted until I heard the bell ring and I was about to go out before Mr. Stump called my name.

"Y-yes Mr. Stump?"

He then bent his index finger telling me to come to him, I sighed because I thought I was in big trouble.


He ordered pointing the his desk, I sat on the corner of the desk and I then saw something in his draw that I dont think I was supposed to see but then he got up and stood in front of me.

"Ashley-Rose, I am very concerned about you, your my best student and now your coming into class late, not doing as you are asked or told and you have been very naughty this month young lady, is something bothering you? Like is a guy on your mind?"

He asked, my eyes were glued to his beautiful blue eyes so I didn't notice that his hand was on my thigh and his face was very close to mine, I then opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out except some embarrassing moans so then I just nodded.

"Who is it?"

He asked as his hand went higher up my thigh, he then moved back and walked over to the door locking it, I then tried to relax but then he came back even closer to me.


I quietly mumbled before he crashed his lips straight to mine and then he pushed me back by my shoulders so I was then laying down, he then started to kiss up my neck which made me moan a little but then he was searching for my g-spot and when he found it I moaned even louder and he started to nibble at it.

"Ooo, looks like I found what I was looking for!"

He teasingly said as I tilted my head back to give him better access, then once he undressed me and himself and the blinds were all shut and now at this stage we had gone into his back room which was soundproof so if someone was still here they wouldn't be able to hear us, before we went in he opened his draw more and grabbed what I had been staring at, a box of condoms then he ripped the box open with his teeth making me giggle a little, it was dark so I couldn't see much so he could have had photos of me everywhere like a creep without me knowing but I could see him and his perfection. All I could hear was him mumbling against my exposed naked body and me moaning.

"Use your words, sugar!"

He says cutely, all I want right now is him to fuck me.

"Just fuck me already!"

I growl, he looks very turned on at what I said, then he rolled a condom on and thrusted into me.

"Oh, My, Fucken, GODDDDDD!!"

I moan, he then goes back to kissing me and I open my mouth slightly and he moves his tongue in and I hum against him.

"FUCK!, Babygirl your so tight! You feel sooooo goooood!"

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