You can't just leave!

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I was with Sarah and Kala ready for our yoga class then I asked if Sarah could pull the car over. I got out and puked in the bathroom stalls that were nearby. I dont know what it was but I now think I might be pregnant because I have been having morning sickness often and my period is late, very late.

"I think I might be pregnant!"

"Are you sure? Do you want me to take you to the doctor?"

Sarah asks, I nod my head and she takes me to the doctor trying really hard not to get noticed by fans. The doctor leads both of us into a private room so she can check up on me. She then comes back into the room with the results.

"Congrats Ashley, you are pregnant!"

I started to freak out because I didn't know how I was going to tell Patrick. Sarah dropped me home because she had to go to Brendon's studio and it was on the way. I was just sitting on the couch before Patrick came home.

"Oh, he Ashley!"

I just smiled at him and he just stood there.

"Look I know this sounds really bad but with tour and everything I have to leave and I just think we should break up."


Is all I could get out, I now cant tell Patrick that im pregnant so I am just going to have to leave.

"You can have the house if you want, Im staying at Pete's!"

I just nodded and I was about to cry before he went upstairs and packed his things.


"Lilly honey, we need to get going to the supermarket now!"

I told my 3 year old daughter, she then came carefully down the stairs.

"Im ready mommy!"

Oh god, you could tell just by looking at her beautiful face that she was Patrick Stump's daughter, she had the exact same hair colour as him and the exact same adorable chubby face that I love to pinch and I used to pinch Patrick's before he left me.


"Yes mommy?"

"Come hold my hand please!"

I then picked her up and placed her in the cart once we crossed the road to the inside. I was trying to reach something but my short arms wouldn't reach.

"Here, I got it!"

The man says passing it to me.

"Oh, uh hey Ashley!"

"Hi Patrick!"

"Who is this cutie?"

He says pointing to HIS daughter.

"Oh just some douchebag who left me just so he could go on tour."

"W-w-wait! So your saying she's mine?"

I then nod and try to move the cart but he stops me.

"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?"

"Because Patrick, you broke my heart, and I remember it as if it were yesterday, Sarah took me to the doctor and she said I was pregnant then I came home and then a couple of minutes later you came home and told me we had to break up because you were going on TOUR!"

He then looked at me very sorry but I just ignored it.

"Goodbye Patrick!"

I then finished the shopping and I tried to avoid Patrick as much as I could in the check out. Then when I got home I called Sarah to come over and meet Lilly and help me with some things and she came over with Brendon as fast as they could.

"Sarah!, Brendon! Hey thanks for coming!"

"Ash, we wouldn't want to miss meeting Lilly, were is she anyways?"

Brendon asked.

"She is upstairs playing with her my little ponys, its so adorable what I hear from her."

I then go upstairs and bring her down so she could meet Sarah and Brendon.

"Hi little Lilly, you can call me aunty Sarah if you want and this is Brendon my husband."


She said sounding a little low, she then looked at brendon and Sarah then at me over and over again.


"Yes Lilly?"

"Why does Sarah have a husband and y-you dont?"

I then looked at her with tears about to fall out of my eyes then I looked over at Sarah and Brendon who looked shocked.

"I never got married honey, the man who was my boyfriend left me before you were born."


I heard her say. I then heard someone banging on my front door, I got Brendon to go get it while I hugged my daughter.

"Patrick? W-what are you doing here? You cant be here!"

"Brendon, please I need to see Ashley and my daughter."

Lilly then let go of me and looked over at Brendon confused.

"Uncle Brendon?"


"Brendon who is it?"

I ask him, he then moves out of the way and I see Patrick.

"Hey, I have seen you before! My name is Lilly, Lilly Stump!"

She said giving him her hand to shake. She had the exact same way of introducing herself like Patrick. I then gulped and looked at Sarah who was nodding at me to let him back into my life.

"Lilly this is your dad, Patrick Stump, and he will be staying with us forever."

I smiled at over at Patrick because I really did miss him and now he was back. He looked up from Lilly and looked at me so happy. He the stopped patting Lilly's hair and came over to me. I then kissed him and moved closer to him so he could hug me.

"I love you Patrick!"

"I-I love you too baby!"

"Awww this is so cute I kinda want a baby now!"

Brendon said in awe, Sarah then looked at him and shook her head. We all laughed and had some drinks, Lilly and Patrick were having so much fun and I was finally happy to have him back.

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