Me and you setting in a Honeymoon!

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I had gone camping with my brother Pete, his friends Joe, Andy and OMG we cant forget the stunning, fabulous, hot, adorable PATRICK! I have to admit I have the BIGGEST crush on him but I would not show it because my brother would kill me or Patrick. We had gotten out our tents but there was not enough for all five of us so I probably had to share with Pete even though I would love to share with Patrick but oh well!

"Ok! Ashley and I are in this one and Joe is in that one, Patrick in that one and then Andy in that one ok? Now before we get this fire going is anyone unhappy where I put you orrr?"

Pete said like he was the leader of the troupe but he basically was because he was the oldest but not the smartest hah! I wasn't upset that I had to share with Pete because of course he was my older brother and I had slept in the same tent with him when we were younger but man did I want to watch Patrick sleep and cuddle him and tell him I love him.

"Anyone up for a quick dip in the lake?"

I suggested cause everyone was just sitting around the fire eating roasted mellows and no one was talking to me so I thought this might be fun. But then I realized what I had done and said because none of us had togs or anything to wear swimming.

"So your suggesting we go skinny dipping Ashley? I Love it! Come on guys!"

They all ran into the water butt naked, I tried so hard not to blush but then I had to get naked as well so I got them to turn around since I had well lady parts!

"Ok perverts turn around while I take my clothes off!"

They all just kept their eyes on me until Pete relized they were still staring at me.

"Ew that's my fucken little sister! Turn around NOW!"

He ordered, they then turned around and I jumped in. It was freezing but I had to keep under the water otherwise they would see my naked body.

"This is nice! Ashley what a splendid idea."

Patrick said as he started to blush, I noticed he had been blushing ever since they picked me up from my apartment, does he have a crush on me? Omg what if he does then- My thoughts were interupted by Pete splashing around.

"Ok im getting out! Turn around again Please?"

I asked, everyone turned around but then as I was running up to the land I saw that Patrick had peeked and it made me run even faster. None of us talked about that really embarrassing moment because we didn't want each other to feel uncomfortable but I really didn't mind.

"Ok everyone Im going to bed! Ash you good? You can come in anytime but you first have to knock you know why!"

Pete said as he gave me a hug then waved at the boys. It was just me and Patrick sitting on the cold logs, I was really cold because I only had a nightgown and underwear on but then I saw Patrick go into his tent and grab something.

"Hey I uh I got you this blanket, you look freezing and I am really sorry about before I really am an-"

Before he could finish I did something really rebellious and a bit scary, I kissed him! I placed my lips onto his and loved it. Neither of us pulled away but Patrick's hand then went up my nightgown and his hands were a little cold so it made me shiver a little. We then heard Pete unzip the tent and walk out probably to take a piss or something, But we didn't break the kiss and next thing I knew Patrick was hovering over me but Pete definitely noticed.

"What the fuck is going on here?"

He yelled, he didn't care that the others were sleeping but he definitely scared the both of us. Patrick then got up and helped me up off of the cold grass.

"Uhh, I am sorry?"

Patrick said as he looked over at me a little embarrassed. Pete then looked at me disappointed then he just laughed.

"Haha next time do it in the tent so ya know you dont fall into the fire or something! Ashley looks like you want to sleep in Patrick's tent?"

We all laughed and then I nodded, Patrick picked me up in bridal-style and winked at Pete, I had no clue what he was doing so it scared me a little and I yelped then he pressed his lips on mine again to shut me up. He carried me into his tent and carefully placed me on his matress, it was a single one so there was not a lot of room but we managed.

"C-can I be totally honest with you Ashley?"

I nodded my head and he then hovered over me again.

"I- I have been blushing ever since we picked you up from your shitty old apartment because I- I think I love you Ashley, Yeah I really love you! I am deeply in love with you. Ever since I met you when Pete brought you to one of our gigs I was just amazed and Im so-"

I then kissed him so he would shut up and after a while he pulled back to catch his breath.

"Mhm! You taste so good!"

I then blushed and looked down.

"Haha you taste like alcohol and burnt mellow!"

We then laughed for a while and then Patrick started to leave hickies on one part of my neck and that made me giggle. We then settled down because we were both a little tired so I laid my head on Patricks beer chest and his arms around me.

"Where is Patrick and Ashley?"

I heard Joe ask from outside, Pete was obviously drunk because he woke both me and Patrick up by running around screaming that he was naked and he wanted to run into the woods. I looked up to see Patrick smiling at me, he then kissed my head.

"Should we get up? It sounds like they are looking for us and my brother needs to be contained!"

I said kinda loud. Joe then unzipped the tent we were sleeping in and then we pretended to be asleep.

"Wha- Oh, Uhh wake up you two!"

Joe yelled, we then giggled and opened our eyes. He was holding my nightgown and then I started to blush. Pete walked in half naked looking at me and Patrick the wrong way like he forgot what happened last night. I then sat up and walked towards Joe and grabbed my nightgown, as I walked out of the  tent I was pulled back by Pete.

"Ah-ah Where do you think your going Ashley-Rose?"

Then Andy came in, Patrick's tent was just a bit bigger than everyone else's so it was like a big gathering.


"Yes, that is my little sister Patrick what the hell did you do to her?"

We then looked at him confused. Patrick and I reminded Pete it was his idea to make out in the tent not on the cold grass but as Pete was drunk he forgot everything. We got ready and then Pete finally calmed down and accepted that we are together. Me in Patrick's car and Joe and Andy in Pete's car, We then went to Patrick's house and I got to have the first shower because well we are now dating and I was the only woman on the camping trip. Pete then had a shower and Patrick insisted on going last even though there was not a lot of hot water left because Joe and his hair, My god his hair takes a lot of hot water to clean lol. After we had gotten ready we then went out with mine and Pete's parents and also Patricks. They insisted on paying for our dinner. They were very happy for us but our mom was a little concerned cause I had just finished high school and Patrick had already been out of high school when I was in my second to last year, she got a little concerned because of the age difference but then she was all happy. Everyone was happy and we all lived happily forever.

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