Hi again, nice to see you I guess?

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A/N: I had no idea what to call this story so I called it Hi again, nice to see you I guess? Hope you enjoy! OH AND MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE!


I went to the mailbox in my purple dressing gown and nanny slippers also purple and very fluffy. "Oh no." I thought to myself, there was an envelope with the same print as my old school logo. I was thinking of ripping it in half because NO WAY am I going back there for anything! Well not after the way Patrick Stump treated me.


"Hey there!"

"He he, hey Patrick!"

I was walking through school to find Patrick, my boyfriend. I then saw him standing, leaning in front of my worst enemy with his arms on either side ever close to her and I did not like this so I rushed into the bathroom, took out my braid so my hair was long and curly, unbuttoned my blouse a little and put on a little bit of makeup, took my specials off and put in my contacts. Then I walked out with my shoulder bag on my shoulder and some books in my hand. I then walked past Patrick like I didn't see him and I wiggled my hips from side to side. But then I heard two pairs of lips smash together then I turned around to see Samantha kissing my man. I just stood there in shock. Lots of people did. I then walked up to Patrick with tears in my eyes and pulled them apart.

"Babe? W-what are you doing here? I thought you were hanging out with your friends at the coffee shop in the school. I- I can explain!"

I then looked at Samantha who looked at me in confusion then up at Patrick.

"Pat, did you really call this loser 'babe' y-your dating fat Ashley? Wow. Your pathetic!"

And just like that she smirked at me with a disgusting look on her face then she walked away flipping her hair to one side making Patrick stare at her in 'awe'.

"Are you going to explain or am I going to leave you for cheating on me?"

I said wiping my eyes but letting my mascara run. He then snapped out of his gaze at Samantha and looked into my eyes.

"Baby. I-I was walking to the coffee shop to see you and give you a huge kiss but Samantha pulled me close to her and my god is she strong I tried to pull away and tell her to stop then she just kissed me and I was about to pull away before you did. I am so so so sorry Ash! I promise it will never happen again and I mean it. I truly am in love with You!"

I then looked at him deciding what I should say but then the bell rang so I just shook my head and cried all the way to class. And I had avoided him as much as I could still deciding what I should do.

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