Ooo la la

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Patrick was sleeping on my shoulder in the back of the bus on the sofa, it wasn't really comfortable but I didn't want to wake Patrick up because he looked SO FUCKEN ADORABLE when he is asleep. The door opened to the back lounge and in walked Joe, Andy AND Pete. They all just stood there in a line staring at me weirdly as I almost fell asleep.

"Ooo la la!"

Joe quietly said then Pete waked him playfully and laughed at him.

"Ash? Ashley!"

Pete tried to wake me up by shaking me a little, when he couldn't wake me up he did something that he was probably gonna regret. One he took a photo of us basically cuddling and he was probably gonna post it online or something. And Two! he yelled my full name witch then woke both me and Patrick up.


Everyone was staring at him weirdly of why he called me that. No one knew my full name but know they do. Everyone then shifted to stare at me, I then saw Patrick blushing against me which made me kinda blush and giggle.

"Your name is Ashley-Rose?"

Patrick softly mumbled.

"Mhm! Thanks Pete!"

I said as I looked over at him.

"Yeah... uhh... sorry about that I had to get you two up somehow or maybe just you Ash!"

"W- w- w-wait! So we never knew this until now?"

Joe said as he thought we were still on the fact my name was Ashley-Rose!


Everyone said sarcastically clapping their hands, he then smiled at himself and bowed. Then he realized we were being sarcastic. I then yawned really loudly and almost fell asleep until Patrick wrapped his arms around me making me jump.

"Shhh, its ok! Its just me!"

He said as he kissed the top of my head. D-did he just kiss my head? I asked myself then I got up because Pete wanted to talk to me.

"Pete! Can it wait? I am EXHAUSTED!"

I said as I wrapped my arms around my shoulders. I think I was also cold, really cold.

"I just wanted to talk to you about your behaviour on the bus lately!"

"Shit Pete this is not school and you are not my teacher!"

I said as I almost screamed at him.

"I know but shut up let me finish! Every time I see you, your either really red from blushing at what looks like Patrick and then your always cuddling him in the back lounge and Joe almost caught you two about to kiss and honey your mother would be very frustrated with the both of us. You have just finished  high school like two weeks before we took you on tour which was about two days ago, and he is three years older than you Ash! But dont give me that look. I want you to be happy and Patrick is also my best friend so if you really want to date him I will talk to him for you. I know this sounds really bad but can you keep this from mom like for a long time until we get back?"

I then nodded and gave him a massive hug.

"Whatever you do! Do not post that photo!"

I said in his ear. He then blushed and giggled.

"Oh you heard that did ya? Ok I will!"

He said cheekly as he ran through the van. I really didn't care but I did for Patricks sake. I went back into the bunk room and I was about to sit down on my bunk but then Patrick called me over to his. He was laying down in nothing but his boxes witch made me blush.

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