Just a walk?

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I got up from my parents couch because I now basically live on their uncomfortable couch, I have to lie and say its fine so I can say here otherwise I have to get another job and hope to get paid more than I do with my job at Starbucks to get my own house. Anyways, carrying on. I got up and got into some clothes and brushed my hair and ate a banana then brushed my teeth.

"Going somewhere, love?"

My dad asks.

"Yeah, I was thinking of going for a quick walk before work. Do you want me to pick you up anything? I know how mom loves her cranberries for her famous cranberry pies, maybe I could pick some up for her?"

"Oooo, I think she would love those. I dont need anything, doll. But are you sure? It's like kinda cold out and you dont look appropriate for today."

I just laughed and gave him a hug.

"Dad. I am fine, you know how I grew up in the cold. Anyways I will be home just in time for lunch so I can help mom make that pie for pudding!"

He then smiled and waved to me. I then got outside and it was pretty chilly. As I was walking out of the store with a bag of boxed cranberries I saw someone I thought I would never see again and I tried so hard for him to not notice me.

"Is mommy making cranberry pie tonight, love?"

My ex boyfriend, Patrick Stump asked with a chuckle at the end. I just rolled my eyes and made my way far as possible from him.

"HEY! I asked you a question, are you going to be a love and answer me or am I going to have to make you answer me?"

He yelled as he got closer to me, a bit too close for my liking. Oh god I wish my new boyfriend were here to save me.

"Get the fuck away from my lady, Stump!"

OMG. Did he hear my prayers? I then turned to see my boyfriend, Brendon Urie pulling Patrick away from me.

"Brendon? Hey man w-whats up?"

Patrick said innocently. Brendon then grabbed my arm and tried to pull me away.

"Wait! You and Ashley are a thing?"

Brendon was about to step forward and yell but I pushed him back and nodded at him.

"Hey, its ok babe!"

I said as I stood up straight

 "Yes he is my new boyfriend if that's what your asking and yes my mother is making cranberry pie."

I yelled into his face, then Brendon took my hand and said something.

"WE are both going to help your lovely mother right, baby?"

Oh god. Patrick never wanted to ever help with the pies or he never called my mother lovely like Brendon does, maybe he was supposed to cheat on me so I could find Brendon, maybe this was all meant to be. I cant deny it kinda turned me on and I kinda made a little squirmy noise and looked like I was having a segure.

"Oh shit! Ashley are you ok?"

Patrick said as they both picked me up from the ground, I was in a smiling mess and then Brendon picked me up bridal style and Patrick looked so jealous.

"You ok, princess?"

Brendon quietly asked me as he carried me to his car.

"Please put me down. Sorry I just got really badly turned on."

I then blushed and he put me down and I got into his passenger seat.

"Wait, by me? Am I going to get lucky tonight or?........"

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