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I was on my way home to see my pregnant wife and 2 kids almost 3 so I was really happy to be able to come home to a happy family.

"Miss. Jackson! What are you doing here?"

Miss Jackson was the children's babysitter but she only came when Ashley was at work or out of town.

"Well Mr. Stump your wife is still at work and you know I would never mind looking after these little ratbags any time or any place."

"W-w-w-wait, so your saying my wife is at work? Miss. Jackson she is heavily pregnant and her nurse and I told her NO work until child is old enough to be left with me or you. Excuse me may I ask how she got to her work?"

"Im sorry Mr. Stump but she was not home when I turned up but the kids said that she had left just minutes before I arrived, would you like me to go pick her up?"

"Oh no thank you Miss. Jackson you have done an amazing job but could you please put the kids to bed while I go pick her up?"

She then nodded and rushed the kids upstairs into their rooms while I went to pick up my naughty wife.

"Hello Mr. Stump how can I help you this evening?"

"Hi I am here to pick up my wife unfortunately she was supposed to be at home resting but this morning she came in where is her office please?"

"Up the stairs and down the hallway to the right its the only office up there so you won't have trouble finding it!"

She smiled at me and I hoped to got that there was an elevator because heavily pregnant woman should not be walking up a lot of stairs or even going to work. I found the elevator and went up to the top floor then I reached her door and knocked on the door to see my wife answer it looking like she just woke up or something.

"P-Patrick? W-what are you doing here?"

"YOU are supposed to be resting Mrs. Stump! What are you doing here?"

She then hugged me and walked out.

"Well they needed me in today and I wasn't just going to rest anyway if I stayed home because of Lilly and Declan, I was up most of the night trying to get them to settle down and then this morning they were a huge pain so I had to get Miss. Jackson over and lucky us she could be here. Now please just take me home and on the way you can tell me about your week away!"

We then got in the car and talked, she was EXHAUSTED like actually no kidding she looked like she was about to fall asleep whenever we were, in the supermarket, in a clothes store anywhere but we were in the car so I just let her sleep. When we got home Miss. Jackson was there to welcome us.

"So nice to see you Mrs. Stump, Mr. Stump your bed is made and I also made a nice warm cup of tea just before you got here so it won't be cold and it will be lovely for you Mrs. Stump!"

We then thanked her and I told her that she didn't have to clean the house after all she was getting paid for looking after our kids not for being our maid and she didn't even want to take the money she insisted on doing everything for free. We then said goodbye and she left, I helped Ashley upstairs and we went to check on our sleeping 4 and 5 year olds, they were fast asleep and there were books at the end of the beds so I cleaned them up then we kissed the children's foreheads and tucked them down and then we went to bed ourselves but Ashley fell straight asleep and I just spooned her gently and rubbed her belly over the duvet and brushed her hair out of her face and kissed her cute delicate lips then went to sleep.


"Mhmm? You ok?

"Mhmm! Goodnight I love you so much, you are the best husband I could ever ask for and you are the best dad ever to Lilly and Declan and they are so happy to have you. I have no clue what I would do without you baby!"

"Awe, I love you too, I love Lilly and Declan and I love this baby girl, Declan's probably going to get really jealous and all but he will be an amazing big brother but then Lilly she will have a big role not just being the big sister to Dec but also to this baby, I would not know what I would do without my beautiful family! Goodnight my love!"

"Goodnight 'Trick!"

Patrick Stump ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now