he couldn't possibly cheat right?

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I had just gone to school and my best friend came upto me looking mad and shocked at the same time. I was about to speak before she shoved her phone in my face.

"Have you not seen this Ash? Your boyfriend is walking and holding hands and kissing Louise!"

I hadn't seen that. I took her phone so I could see it properly. My boyfriend Mr. Patrick Stump. He had one hand on her ass and the other on her waste with his tongue in her open mouth while his lips were connected slightly to hers. Louise was my best friend well one of my best friends and she knows that he is my boyfriend well WAS my boyfriend. I started to cry and I went to sit in my form class while waiting for the bell to ring. Oh shit she is in all of my classes.

"Good morning BESTIE!!!!!!"

She says looking happy and sits next to me. I wish I could move but unfortunately we seating arrangements.

"Hi. Omg did you know that it's mine and my boyfriend's anniversary today?"

I said sounding happy but really I was about to burn someone to death. She just looked at me with wide eyes and a shocked face, she was about to say something before the teacher walked in.


It was the last period of the day and I have avoided Louise so hard but failed mostly. I was crying at the back of the class room then came in at the same time Louise and MY boyfriend who is our English teacher. He looked pleased with himself and she looked very happy and giggley. He then saw me and gulped. Did he not know I was in this class?

"Hey are you Ok? Your crying. What's the matter Ash?"

She said as she walked over and sat beside me going to go comfort me in a hug but I declined it and got up and sat at the front right in front of MY boyfriend. I then winked at him and he looked terrified.

"Bab- I mean Mr. Stump?"

I asked. He then came over to me. I stood up and asked him to follow. We only had 4 minutes of class left so I will get my revenge. He excused himself out of the class and he followed behind me.

"Babe. I had no clue you were are sub teacher today. I didn't want to wait much longer so I'm giving you your anniversary gift now."

I took a wrapped present out of my bag and was about to give it to him before he stopped me.

"Wait! What? What do you mean Anniversary gift?"

I then looked at him confused but he must have forgotten since he was out fucking my best friend this morning.

"Patrick. We have been dating for two years now this is the day you asked me to be your girlfriend two years ago."

I said annoyed a little. I then gave him a kiss and he pulled away very fast and I just looked at him worried. Then I turned and walked inside the classroom. He then followed and I got up in front of the class.

"Um I have something to say and it's about my lovely boy friend slash teacher. Today is our two year anniversary and I have a gift for him. Baby can you come over here and receive your gift? But don't open it cause that would be awkward for the both of us."

I said with a smile. Everyone knew we were dating but maybe no one except my best friend knows about Louise and MY boyfriend. Everyone then clapped and Louise looked devastated. She just ran to the back of the room and sat down making sure no one saw her but I did.

"Oh well I have your gift at home, princess. Maybe you could come home with me after school."

Now we're talking. He is being sexy towards me but tonight in going to break his heart like he did to mine.


I was on my way to Patrick's house, I couldn't go with him because I saw Louise get into his car and they drove off.

"Babe I'm home!"

I said as I walked inside all I could hear was grunts and sex noises coming from upstairs. I decided to go up because wouldn't you if you thought something bad was happening?


I opened the door and saw Louise in the present I gave to Patrick for me tonight and Patrick had his dick inside of her. They then saw me and Patrick got out of her and chucked his undies back on and Louise got up and wrapped MY dressing gown around her the one I leave at Patrick's house.

"Ashley. I- I am so sorry. It's not what it looks like I promise you, Please Princess."

Is all he said as he knelt down in front of me.

"Amy showed me the photos this morning and the way you two came inside the class room at the same time looked oddly suspicious. Patrick you know What? IM done! Louise are you fucking joking me aswell? You knew we were together but maybe you should have this aswell as MY boyfriend and MY dressing gown and MY sexy landrieu!"

I screamed as I chucked the promise ring Patrick gave to me at the both of them. Patrick was now crying, running after me half naked and apologising trying to get me back but I left just like that! Patrick always tried to get me back at school and he would stare at me like he really was sorry and I would just stare back like he just killed me.


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