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Patrick's P.O.V.

I had just finished a show and it was probably one of my worst ones ever because Ashley wasn't there and I missed her so much. I regret breaking up our relationship but I had to because whenever I would be at home I would be very busy and have no time to even give her a kiss or a hug and then when I am away it just gets hard not being with the people you love the most. I really think that was a bad idea though because when im not with her I get hungry for HER so I am going to do the right thing and go to her house, Im still sweaty from the show but I really dont give a fuck, I get into my car and drive all the way back to Chicago and into her driveway.

My P.O.V.

I was about to message Patrick on how his show went but then I realised that it would be weird messaging your ex right now right? Anyways, I was thinking of all the good times we had together and then I started to cry.


I screamed through my tears, after a while of trashing up my parents house they lended me for the summer because I was hurt I then heard the doorbell ring and thank god I was on the third floor so whoever it was didn't see the mess and the bottom floor was very tidy. The doorbell rang a couple more times and then I finally opened the door, my eyes were full of water so it was really hard to tell who it was.

"H-hi? How m-may I help y-you?"

The figure then walked in out of the cold downpour, wiped my eyes with his hand I now know it was a man because of the familiar hand against my face. Then without saying anything he kissed me and I was confused why but then I realised it was HIM and I kicked the door shut behind him and then he grabbed my legs and picked me up and headed for the attic, he knew were he was going because we used to make out in the attic when we were together.


"Ashley, I am so so so so so sorry! I regret breaking us up and I dont know why I am here, you probably hate me for that but I love you so so so so so so fucken much!"

We then made out more and then we fell asleep in the bed down in the attic.

Patrick's  P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning with a very sore throat and a very saw back like it was very sore, I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room and noticed it was very familiar then I looked to my side and saw a beautiful lady peacefully sleeping, then it all came back to me, I had sex with my ex girlfriend well I guess since we both love eachother again that makes us a thing? I dont know.


"Morning beautiful!"

I said with a croaky voice as I laid back down and kissed her forehead. I couldn't lay properly because my back hurt so bad.

"What are you doing? Are you alright?"

She asked with also a croaky voice.

"Uh, my back is killing me, you mind having a look at it?"

"Yeah, sure, turn around?"

I then sat up and she made a noise like it wasn't good.

"W-what? What is it?"

I then turned my head to look at her and she rubbed my back soothingly.

"I am so sorry!"

She said as she sat up.


"Last night. I scratched you badly, here you stay here and I will go get some ointment alright?"

I then thought back at last night and remembered our hot as fuck sexy make out session then when she was gone, under the duvet I quietly masturbated before she got back.

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